Chap. 45 - Vassal

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Kurnet: - Damn dwarf! Ztop moving for I kan finizh wiz your mizerable life! - The huge one shoutedan orc more than six meters high.

David: - You will have to kill me if you want me dead! -

Kurnet: - Come onez la idea, gnome! -

The greenskins may not have been the smartest when it came to insulting each other or threatening the lives of others, but at least the intention is what counts. But very different from his words, his fierce combat was a spectacle worth admiring.

Kurnet carried a sharp war ax attached to his metal arm, which he brandished with supernatural strength, determined to end the life of the one he used to call a comrade for a long time. His left hand was free, although knowing him he had surely used hisshotgun two shots that he liked so much. but without powerrecharge it with nothing was of any use to him.

David carried a strangled sword that was almost as big as he was, but which he brandished with enough force to lash out at the imposing beast that was his opponent. The gretchin's musculature was much more developed than Kanan remembered. He was a warrior. A very impressive one for its size.

Kurnet:- All thiz iz your fault! -

David: - My fault!? - He asked with anger and irony.

Kurnet: - ¡Yez... your lault! -

David: - I waz zo far az you waz! If there iz my fault, itz your fault too! -

Kurnet: - Lie! I waz fazing humi in big armor! You zhould go help Kanan! -

David: - I waz fighting against big mazhine! I kouldn't do anyzing! -

Kurnet: - Koward! -

David: - Ztupid! -

Their weapons clashed once more. The echo of the impact between metalsprovoked powerful shock waves thataffected the ears of those who were closest. Kurnet was a powerful war beast, whose attacks were capable of tearing the hard stone beneath his opponent's feet. David was the complete opposite. Although his strength was far superior to that of any average warrior, in the face of that monstrosity what stood out most about him was his agility and ability to deflect the attacks of thean orc, although finding an opening in that impenetrable metal defense was almost impossible.

 Although his strength was far superior to that of any average warrior, in the face of that monstrosity what stood out most about him was his agility and ability to deflect the attacks of thean orc, although finding an opening in that impenetrable...

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The ax and the sword collided once again. The sound traveled throughout the battlefield like an infinite echo, now that all the voices around them had fallen silent. Those two were so focused on their opponent that they had not even noticed the figure that was slowly approaching them.

From a distance, a figure surrounded by an unconventional entourage watched the fierce combat. Parts of those present said that approaching was foolish, but the one who once commanded all those forces was not afraid of the colossal battle, and little by little, he approached the conflict, staying at the forefront as any born leader would do.

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