Chap. 42 - Brother

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Talking about the past is never easy, especially when there are many things you want to hide. Fear, uncertainty, the thinking of others is always something that worries even the most stoic. We all have shadows in our history, and we are afraid of being judged for what we did... or what we were.

After more than five years, Murrey had become the closest being to Kanan in this galaxy. It was not anotheran orc more of the horde. It was his right hand. The one he trusted the most. The one he could call from his heart a friend, and loved as if he were a brother.

Even as an Astarte he remembered many moments he shared with his battle brothers, but they were not the same. There was always a code, a barrier, a fury that prevented them from seeing beyond doing their duty with cold stoicism.

In fact, for Kanan, all this was little more than a bad joke. He couldn't remember any happy moments before he became an ork. Not even their promotions. Not even when he became the Emperor's Paladin. He did everything out of duty. out of conviction. But really... he never wanted it.

For the white-haired ork, facing his own desires was one of the bloodiest battles he had ever experienced. Enemies fell before his sword, and problems could always be given a logical solution, or he could punch them until they were solved like any good ork. But his inner self was not something he could defeat so easily. This me... new... One that I had forgotten... A me that was wonderful... And terrifying.

Unlike when I was with the councilAeldari, this time Kanan did not simply ignore any bit of information that his mind was capable of remembering. Little things like the taste of the first meat he tasted as an Ork. The emotion of the first fight he had. The adrenaline he experienced the first time he hitKurnet, at that time a mere guard at the shelter. The thrill of defeating the first Ork warlord.

Kanan's story captivated the orkmatazanos like I had never experienced before. Little by little, the rest of the orks came closer to listen to him, like the voice of a prophet pleading for glory and rewards. Even so, Kanan seemed fearful, now overwhelmed by the hundreds of ears listening to his story.

The white-haired ork kept his gaze on the floor, as if wanting to avoid discovering the accusatory glances of the rest of the orks in front of him. And it wasn't until he began to tell what happened on Atem III that Kanan looked up, getting a surprise like he never imagined before.

Admiration... That was what Kanan found in the faces of his followers. Very different from what he himself thought. The orks, no matter how intelligent they were, were still simple beings. A good battle to be happy and a warlord to lead them from one war to another. And hearing Kanan's story was like hearing a divine prophecy.

Not even Murrey could hide his excitement upon learning that his warlord faced one of the very gods of chaos and came out alive to tell the tale. Not to mention the state of mind of the orks upon learning that their warlord, the one who had led them through so many battles around the galaxy, had received the blessings of the twin gods. Some almost wet themselves when he told them about his confrontation with Morko. Of course... Kanan told them about a beating by the god, but his followers listened to it as if it were one of those heroic stories where the hero faces a dragon to achieve his goal.

And so, completely different from what Kanan himself thought, his story ended in energetic cheers and looks full of hope. The orks did not show any rejection towards him... Quite the opposite... Now they almostin idolatry like an envoy from the gods... Although the latter was no less true.

The excitement of those present was literally uncontrollable. Questions came and went, and Kanan did his best to answer. The orks didn't care if theirthe caudillo was a human once.Yes, there was fought against countless xenos around the galaxy, including other groups of orks. None of that mattered to them. They were only interested in the now and the future. And he promised them a glorious one.

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