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Me, Draco and our parents walk around these idiots rushing onto the train, if these muggles don't move we will be late. When we finally get on the platform and next to the train me and Draco say good bye to our parents. "Now both of you don't forget, it is your first year so you must make a good impression. Audrey, you must get in slytherin no matter what, same with you Draco." Our father, Lucius Malfoy, says. "Yes father, I have no doubt I will get in" "pfff, you don't know that Draco!" "Yes I do!" "Ok..." "YES I DO!" We fight. "Both of you shut it! What did I say? Make a good impression!" Our father says. "Mhm" I mumble. "Good bye dears." Our mother, Narcissa Malfoy, says maintaining her smile. "Bye mother bye father!" I say walking off, Draco waves good bye following me.

When we get in a bigger looking compartment we see about six people running and someone death staring them walking fast. "Can we join you guys? Please?" A boy speaks up. "Sure" Draco says, I roll my eyes knowing that he's just trying to be " a suck up" and "popular". We all fit in perfectly, there's one girl and the rest are boys. Not surprised, god I hope she doesn't act like a know it all/ boys girl.

"I'm pansy parkinson!" She smiles at me. "I'm Audrey...Audrey malfoy" I smile. "Well since the boys want to be assholes! This is Blaise zabini" she points at the darker toned boy, he waves slightly. "Lorenzo/enzo Berkshire" she points at the boy in the corner, he just looks and smiles, then looks back out the window. "Theodore/ Theo nott" she points at the boy eating a chocolate frog, he nods. "Adrian pucey" she points at the boy next to her, he rolls his eyes. "Stop fucking pointing at people!" He says quickly. "Ugh, ignore him. Next, Tom riddle" she points at the boy who was death staring them earlier, he looks at me then looks away. "And of course, Mattheo riddle" she points at the curly haired boy, he looks at me, rolls his eyes, looks at Draco, and looks at the window. "You guys are assholes, trust me Audrey! Once you get to know them, they are actually OK!" She rolls her eyes clearly pissed off now.

The rest of the way was quiet, except for one point when mattheo stood up to get water and came back throwing the bottles at everyone, except for me...he just handed it to me. He even threw it at Draco. But not me.

When we got off the train I could feel a warm breeze blowing my hair out of my face. We took the small boats across a lake, I belive pansy said it was the black lake...I remember my parents mentioning something about it but how am I supposed to remember what they said??
When we entered the halls of hogwarts the older years cheered. Everyone was sorted except for me and Draco. First was Draco then me...I'm terrified. If I don't get in slytherin my parents might as well disown me. Draco barely sits down before the hat yells "SLYTHERIN!!" of course...now my turn. Oh boy. I sit down as mcgonagall places the hat on my head. I jump as I hear it whisper things. "UMM...LETS SEE, SLYTHERIN!!" It shouts. Oh thank god! I'm so relived. I walk over to the table and sit across from Draco, next to pansy. I notice pansy's demeanor shift anytime Draco looks at her but maybe it's just me...I think she likes him. Oh my imagine! Somebody liking Draco. Pfff yeah right. I feel eyes burn into me and my head starts to sting. "Ow! What the fuck?" I whisper. "What happened?" Pansy asks. "Nothing..." I look around to see Mattheo looking at me, the moment we make eye contact we both look away.
I also see the boy Draco embarresed himself trying to talk to earlier...Harry Potter, was looking at me. I give him a sly smile and he turns red and looks away. I chuckle and continue to eat.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter obviously and I'm taking this story slow, I do not want to add unnecessary pressure on myself so I won't be posting everyday. I definitely will not have a schedule either! But enjoy this! Love you!💋🫶🏼 btw this was 752 words!🤍

Audrey malfoy|her excuse to changeWhere stories live. Discover now