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Dinner at the great hall*
I quickly sit down next to Draco, not making eye contact with either of the riddles. After Dumbledore gives his speech I finally make eye contact with Mattheo. Mattheos eyes linger on mine and I can't help but stare. I try to shift my focus but his eyes...they're so, pretty. When I finally look away I hear him chuckle. We may not be next to each other but I know his laugh.

After dinner I decide to take a small walk around the school, and make my way to the Astronomy tower. My walk was nice. When I get to the astronomy tower I see someone standing there and go to leave, but then he speaks up. "Hello princess." Mattheo says. "Riddle. I see I'm not the only one who knows of this place." I say. "Of course you're not. This is the Astronomy tower. Many people know of it, they just don't visit it as often." He says. "Oh. Look I don't mean to interrupt so I'm going to go." I say turning around. "No, no, it's fine. I was about to leave anyways." He says leaving. "Um, Mattheo?" I say quickly. "Princess?" He turns around. "If you want to stay you can, just don't bother me" I say giving a small smile. "Ok" he chuckles. He walks towards the railing, holding it softly. He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a lighter and some weed. "Want some?" He asks. "No, no I-uh- I don't smoke" I stutter. "Ok" he chuckles. "If you don't smoke or drink, I'm assuming you won't be at the party later tomorrow night?" He says. "Probably not, but what makes you think that just because I don't smoke or drink that I won't go to a party?" I ask. "Well, what else is there to do?" He grins. "Um, dance, play games, I don't know" I say. "But the drinking and smoking is the best part!" He says. I don't say anything, I just stare at him. "Im going to go to my dorm, it's getting late" I whisper, starting to walk off. "Wait" he says, grabbing my arm. "Audrey?" I hear a voice say. "Hey Draco." I say. "What's up?" I ask Mattheo. "Never mind." He says. "Ok, good night." I whisper. "Night." He says, letting go of my hand.

I start to walk off and Draco follows me. "What was that?" Draco asks. "What do you mean?" I say, confused of course. "Are you and him hooking up now?" He says. "Oh my goodness Draco! No! I was going on a walk, I ended up at the astronomy tower and he was just conveniently there. Please don't start this." I beg. "Of course, so convenient right?" He scoffs. "Draco it's nothing! Besides I hate him, he's so annoying. And I'm sure he hates me." I say. "Excuses, excuses." He rolls his eyes. "I'm not doing this with you, fuck off" I say and start running to the dorm. "Audrey!" He shouts, but I don't stop.

When I finally get in my room I start crying, I know it sounds weak but I can't hold it in anymore. The pressure has been building up so much, with mum and father, Draco being a complete ass hole, Mattheo and Tom being assholes. I just can't do this anymore, why does it have to be me? Why does all this pain have to be dropped on me.
I'm overly happy that pansy and the greengrass' aren't in here right now.  I slowly get up and walk up to the bathroom. I clean off my makeup and change my pjs. I lay back in bed and just cry, More than I have in a long time.

I wake up to loud banging on the door, and pansy shaking me. "Audreyyy get up!" Pansy groans. "I'm up, who's at the door?" I ask. "The boys." She say's. "Tell them to give me a little bit, 10 minutes tops?" I ask. "Sure!" She says. I walk into the bathroom and she walks towards the door. "So they won't wait out side. They said that you can get ready with them in there, so they are in the room." She groans. "Fine" I say rolling my eyes. I swear those boys have separation anxiety, they can't last 24-hours without me or pansy.

When I'm done getting ready I walk out of the bathroom, since it's the weekend I'm wearing a white crop top with butterfly's, some baggy jeans and a light black coat to pair with it.

*this is the outfit! If you don't like it just think of something you do like! Keep in mind, you are gorgeous no matter what!!*

*this is the outfit! If you don't like it just think of something you do like! Keep in mind, you are gorgeous no matter what!!*

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I close the bathroom door and pansy whistles, I blush uncontrollably, Theo smirks. "So Audrey, are you up to hogsmeade for breakfast, all of us are goinggg" Pansy says. "Do I have an option?" I giggle. "Nope!" Pansy says, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. When we arrive in the common room I see the rest of the boys, Enzo, Mattheo, Tom, Blaise and...Draco. I avoid eye contact with Draco and continue to walk over to the couch. "Okay we are ready! Let's go!" Pansy smiles. I always wonder how she can be so happy, and energetic. "Ok, ok. C'mon boys let's get out of here, particularly before pansy bursts!" I smirk, everyone laughs and I receive a death glare from pansy.

Everyone is walking around hogsmeade, me and Mattheo are of course in the back, with everyone walking in front of us. "You look...nice" Mattheo says. "Thank you" I say, with a small smile. "So princess what happened last night? With Draco?" Mattheo asks. "What do you mean?" I ask, my heart dropping. "After the astronomy tower?" He adds. "Oh uhm, he thought we were hooking up" I laugh awkwardly. "Really?! Oh, that's intresting." He flushes, I giggle. "Yeah. He's being an asshole about it though so...yeah" I whisper. "I'm sorry." He says. "It's ok" I say. "Am I really that annoying?" He asks. "Like all jokes aside." He adds. "I mean, you can be. But you can also be...good company." I say. "Ok" he chuckles.

An: hey loves! I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's the longest one so far! Sorry it's taken me so long to write😅 love you 😘
This is 1076 Words btw 🫶🏼

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