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Later that day pansy showed me around, I had wondered how she knows so much about hogwarts given this is also her first year. I assume her parents told her, she has probably been here for a quidditch match or two. She finally shows me to the dorms,
The are decorated in green and black. A huge snake symbol, like the slytherin one, above two beds, on the other side is another two beds, above those is a bunch of stars and small snakes wrapping around the stars. "This is beautiful! Is this our dorm?" I ask. "Yes! Yes it is!" Pansy exclaims. "I love it!" I smile. "Me too, so I think you sleep there" she points to the bed near the right corner. "Ok!" I smile placing my trunk down and starting to open it. "So who else sleeps in here?" I ask. "Umm...I think Astoria greengrass, and her older sister Daphne." Pansy smiles. "Ok" I smile, continuing to put my stuff away in the bureau. "I mean to ask, what is it like being a malfoy, especially Draco's sister!?" She asks. "Well it's not as fun as it sounds, being a malfoy means you have a lot of expectations, things to live up to. And Draco's just an asshole most of the time so...I mean sometimes we get along but not all the time." I say. "Yeah..."she whispers.

"Open up!" I hear a shout outside of the door, I instantly look at pansy and she rolls her eyes. "It's the boys" she says, she walks over opening the door and sure enough it is. Draco was there to, which I could tell pansy was happy about. Mattheo couldn't seem to keep his eyes off me at all which kind of annoyed me, when I say if his stare could kill....i would be long gone. "Audrey? Audrey!" Blaise shouts. "Hm? Sorry." I say. "I was asking what you thought of hogwarts so far." Theo says. "Oh um, it's alright, it's beautiful here. What do you think of it?" I reply. "Eh, it's alright. I think my father and grandparents definitely made it sound more exciting." He says. "Yeah, same with my parents..."Draco says. It gets awkward after a little while of silence so I go to stand up. "Where are you going?" Pansy asks. "For a walk, alone." I say. "Ok" she gives a small smile and I return it.

As I walk around hogwarts I find a beautiful tower and walk up it...wow this view. I was asking Mother about hogwarts and she said something about an astronomy tower. I assume this is it. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around quickly. "Hey sis, you ok?" Draco asks. "Yeah. You?" I ask. "I'm good." He says. "This is beautiful, what is this place?" He asks. "I belive I heard mum and dad talk about an astronomy tower, I think this is it" I say. "Well whatever it is, I'll find myself here often." He chuckles. "Me too" I smile. "It's getting late so I'm going to the dorms, you coming?" He asks. "Yeah" I say following behind him.

When I arrive to my dorm the girls, I belive Astoria and Daphne, smile at me, I smile back and grab my pjs. When I go into the bathroom I remember that it's not just my bathroom and quickly go tell the girls I'm taking a shower. "Ok!" They both say. The girls a very quiet, I don't blame them...I may seem like a people person but I'm really not, I hate interacting with people.

When I get out of the shower pansy is there. "Damn you look gorgeous" Pansy smirks. "Pansy...I'm wearing pjs and no make-up what do you mean I look gorgeous?" I laugh. "You look gorgeous. Period." She smiles. "Whatever you say" I roll my eyes.

I lay in bed thinking of what tomorrow will be like. First day of classes, many people, new teachers. If I'm being honest...I'm nervous.

After moments of trying to sleep it just wasn't happening. I walked out into the common room and sat on the couch, my knees to my chest. "Hey, can't sleep?" I hear a voice say. "Yeah, you?" I ask. "Yeah" Enzo says. "I am not exited, I do like hogwarts, but its like the teachers, the classes, the kids..." I say. "I know right, it's crazy here"he chuckles. "Yeah" I say.

After we sat there for about 30 minutes I got tired and announced I was going to bed, we said good night and I left.

And with that I was asleep.

Hey loves!! So I hope you enjoy the start of this so far! Love you! Btw this is 797

Audrey malfoy|her excuse to changeWhere stories live. Discover now