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The four of us sat down to eat for the first time and it was much more natural than I would've predicted when I met them a week earlier.  I mostly did what I do when I'm cooking: I observed, I listened. Except now I wasn't working, and these boys were curious about the new addition to their home. They asked me questions here and there about my life, my family. I was met with listening ears and kind eyes as I shared little pieces of myself with them, but I didn't want to bore them or overpower their conversation so I kept it short.

As dinner came to an end, Matt made his quick announcement to the table.

"Oh, by the way, I'm taking Violet to the grocery store after we clean up," he said, after taking a sip of water and putting his glass down. Maybe it was my imagination, but I thought I saw Chris' eyes dart quickly to Matt's before mine.

"Why?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Well it's dark now," I started to explain, deep in my thoughts as the food settled and I felt the satisfaction of having just eaten a good meal. "I get scared walking to the car and being in the parking lot alone after dark." I wasn't embarrassed by that. The world could be a dangerous place for girls, even if they are as smart and aware as possible.

"Plus I offered," Matt added. I looked up then. His tone caught my attention, and it was almost...playful? I'd never heard him say something that way before and I was curious to understand it.

Nick had gotten up to start clearing the plates and as I stood to do the same, it clicked why Matt's tone was so intriguing. It was a lot like how Chris usually sounds, and as they looked at each other for only a second or two, I saw the shine in their eyes, the smug looks on their faces before they broke eye contact. They were up to no good, those two. That was the first time I caught sight of whatever that connection was, and it wouldn't be the last.

"Don't worry, Violet, Nick and Chris will clean up tonight," Matt announced, directing a closed-lip smile at Chris, and as I put the last of the plates down on the counter, I suddenly felt Matt had some sort of bone to pick with him, and that I was being used to do just that.

"Asshole," Chris replied, not actually angry, just in that way only siblings can insult each other.

"Come on, Vi, let's go," Matt prompted me, heading toward the stairs.




He was trying to kill me, giving me a nickname. Sitting in the passenger seat beside this very pretty boy, I was given a little bit of free reign to be myself for a while. And also sneak some looks over at him. He sat in his seat, a bit relaxed, with his left hand on the wheel. He let me choose the music while we drove, and I couldn't help admire the tattoos that littered his left arm. A lighthouse caught my eye and the image made perfect sense for him.

A song came on then, and I couldn't hold in my energy.

"Ouuuuuuuuu I love this song!" I said in excitement, turning it up a little bit and starting to sing. I faced forward and just let myself enjoy the music. For once, I wasn't driving and I didn't have to worry about being all alone out in this new and unknown city. I soaked in the beauty of my life as I moved to the music, my hands catching waves only I could feel, my head swirling to the rhythm as I rocked side to side. I opened my eyes to look over at Matt who was...

Completely stiff.

I laughed out loud at that. I was all loosey goosey, feeling the music in my soul, and this kid was like a fucking wooden board.

"You're so serious," I laughed, calling out to him over the music. He seemed to almost be bashful then, sinking into his seat a bit and doing this motion I'd noticed him do, where he smiles for only a moment, then peeks his tongue out to swipe his lip just a bit. I can't even put a name on what it's called, but it sends a shockwave of desire through me every fucking time and I was actively choosing to ignore it.

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