Lazy Monday

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I didn't see the boys for the rest of the weekend. By Monday morning, I'd been so sick with worry all weekend that I almost wanted to fake sick and avoid them one more day. I didn't know what the fuck I would be walking into when I got to their place that day. But I needed to work, and I needed the distraction work brought me. It sucked that the very thing I needed to help me required being around the thing I needed help with.

When I got to their house, Nick let me in and we said our quiet good mornings before he went back to his room and I was left alone in the peace of the kitchen. I pulled my hair into my messy ponytail, pulled off my hoodie and got to work. I decided to make a batch of croissants for the week and the process of making those was painstaking and time-consuming. I popped my airpods in and threw myself into my work.

Nick emerged again about an hour later, dressed and ready to head out somewhere. He came into the kitchen and I paused my music when he came over to give me a hug.

"How you doing?" He asked kindly, separating from our hug and leaning against the counter. I leaned against it beside him and let out a deep sigh.

"I'm good, really," I said. I knew he was asking about what had happened with Maverick, so saying I was good was the truth. I didn't give a fuck about that asshole. I was deeply troubled thinking about what Matt and Chris would have to say when they rose from their slumbers, what the dynamic between us all would be like. I leaned my head to rest it on Nick's shoulder. "How are they?" I asked, worried for them more than for myself.

He sighed then too. "That whole situation was fucked up," he exhaled. "I've never seen Matt lose it on someone like that was a lot. But I think they're good. We didn't really talk about it much." I stood up straight again to continue my baking while I listened. "Did Maverick text you at all?"

"He did," I confirmed, rolling my eyes and letting my disgust with him pour out in my tone. "What a loser, that fucking guy. I didn't answer."

"Eugh some people just fucking suck," he spat out. "Like imagine being such a piece of shit that you insult people for no reason? Like enough to start a physical altercation?" He emphasized his words in the way that always lightened my heart. "Jesus christ grow the fuck up, you know? How old are you?" he ranted as his phone buzzed and he checked it quickly.

I smiled at his words, my first smile in days.

"You're fiercely loyal, aren't you?" I asked, glancing back at him.

"For people I care about, definitely. Everyone else can go fuck themselves," he stated plainly, standing up straight and heading towards the stairs. "Respectfully," he added with a hand out. His ride had obviously arrived and he was heading out.

"Respectfully," I laughed, genuinely appreciating how he'd so successfully brightened my mood with just a few words. "Wait," I said then, dusting off my hands and heading over to him just as he stepped down onto the first stair and paused. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close. We hugged like that for a moment, his big arms wrapped around me, squeezing the pain from me and reminding me how lucky I was to have someone like him in my life. He sensed I'd needed that affection and he was happy to be a friend to me in that moment. We pulled apart and I took his face in my hands, letting my feelings of love and gratitude pour from my soul into his.

"Thank you, Nick," I smiled and let him go.

"Of course, Violet. We've got your back," he assured me, before heading down the stairs. "See you later," he called as he reached the door, out of sight.

"Byeeee," I called back, hearing the door shut and starting my music up again. I smiled to myself at the kindness he'd just showed me, but it only lasted for a moment before the sadness and worry set back in. I sighed and resumed my work.

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