27. Flashback Part 2

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The next flashback opens up with Kevin in his home in France. He starts to mutter to himself while he paces around. "She should have been mine....he just took her. I can't except this." The voice in his head snaps back a reply. "He did, she was never yours. She never loved you."

He shakes his head. "No! I was here first.... I've loved her since I was a young teenager... he can't just have her." He slams his fist against the wall. "This isn't how it's supposed to be." The voice speaks up again. "Then fix it Kevin. Take her back by force."

"How though?... He's always there. He needs to leave." Kevin says aggressively. He starts laughing and then the laughter shifts to being inside of his head. The voice speaks again. "Burn him out, he'll make sure they get out first."

He vigorously shakes his head. "No, not yet... I need to ask her myself first... and if she refuses then I will." He watches their house for a few days to see the times that Sam isn't home. One snowy night Kevin knocks on their front door while Sam is gone at the military base.

Elliana opens the door. "Hello?" She keeps the door at just a crack when she sees that it's Kevin. "Oh, can I help you Kevin? I'm kind of busy right now." He smiles big when he speaks. "You didn't reply to my letter that I sent. I wanted to see if you saw it or if he threw it away.."

She hesitates for a moment, clearly feeling awkward. "I did see it.... Kevin, I'm happily married... You really shouldn't be here." He cuts her off. "I know he's not here right now. Come be with me. We were always meant to be together and you know it. I've loved you almost my whole life."

Elliana shakes her head uncomfortably. "Kevin, I love Sam. Nothing that you say is going to change that. Please leave us alone. Don't make me call the police." His facial expression shifts to hurt and then to nothing. "Fine..." He says as he leaves.

She shuts the door and quickly locks it. The voice echos in his mind. "See, she doesn't love you. She thinks you're a freak...and it's all His fault. He's bigger, you wouldn't win in a fight. You have to play dirty."

He goes home and spends the night pacing back and forth, thinking. "I can use the fire... If I save her then she has to come with me. I'll be a hero and she will love me and leave him." He mutters. The voice chuckles. "That's a great idea. Wait till he leaves."

The next day Kevin hides and waits for Samuel to leave the house. Sam kisses her before he leaves. "I won't be long today. We are just gathering our things and saying our goodbyes since we're moving soon." Sam says before he walks out. "Hurry back, we'll be waiting for you and Daniel when you come home. I love you." She replies as he's walking out.

She packs the last few boxes and sits down. Elliana notices that it's too quiet. "Elliot! Where did you go?" She calls out. Elliana hears a muffled giggle from upstairs. "I'm hiding mommy, come find me!" She laughs and calls out again. "You silly little boy, I wonder where he could be." She says as she starts searching.

Kevin comes out of hiding and sneaks across the street. The voice echos in his head. "Light the match. You'll have enough time to go in and save her and get out before it gets too bad. Watch out for the furnace. It could explode." He nods and pulls out a matchbox.

He tries to light one and it's a dud. The next two are as well and he starts getting angry. He lights two together and they work. He grins and crouches down to light the wood on fire that's on the side of the house.

The voice speaks again. "Now wait, don't make it obvious that you were already here. Let it grow for a moment." He nods and waits. Elliana is still searching for Elliot on the inside of the house. "You found a good hiding spot, where are you baby?" She says out loud.

She starts to smell smoke after a few minutes and runs downstairs to check the kitchen. When she gets to the kitchen there's nothing turned on or on fire. Her eyebrows furrow and she looks around, trying to find the source of the smell.

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