Chapter 14

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My sword hits something that sounds hollow, I reach out and touch it. It's wooden, like a door, I knock on it. It's definitely hollow. I drag my hand down the wooden object, my hand brushes something cool and metal. I grab it and turn it. It slides easily open and light fills the once dark cave. I am the first to walk in, I am greeted with warmth and glowing white light. I guess the others followed because suddenly they're right beside me.

"Come now children into the light, you will find peace." Says a soothing voice. I wanted to go, but I was so confused. I couldn't go yet, I had so many questions.

"Where are we?" I ask the voice.

"Almost there." It says.

"Almost where?"

"To heaven, but first we must relive your past to see if you are fit to enter or to be banished to Hell."

The room darkens a bit like a movie theater and right in front of me a movie plays of someones life.

Violet the screen reads. Then a small movie plays of her life, she is sent up. Though I already guessed that. Then went Ray, Joanna, and Liliana. They all went up. Josh and I were the only ones left.

Josh the screen said. It starts out with him as a baby in the hospital in his little blanket. His mother lays on the bed lifeless and pale. I look over at Josh and I can see his eyes tearing up.  The screen cuts to him in his fathers hands, he looks mad at Josh. "You stupid baby, you killed my wife." He sets the baby in the trash. My mouth is gaping open. Josh starts to cry and one of the trash workers picks him up. The screen cuts to him in an orphanage. He sat in solitude, always.Then it shows someone kidnapping him out the window when he only looked around four or five years old. Then it cuts to him in the arena, him picking up his weapon, the screen goes suddenly blank. 

"Hell." Says the voice.

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