SoC- 'The Parents'

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Inej waited half way down the harbour. She was staring at them. In the years she had been gone, they hadn't changed much. Her mother had tied her hair in the same tight coil it always was in, just as hers was. Her father's hair had grown out a bit, grey streaks now appearing. They were held tight next to each other, and Inej found herself unable to move.

Until a warm, comforting hand was placed on her arm. Kaz was standing next to her, supporting her. He had done this. He was the reason they were here.

She sucked in a breath and stepped forwards. "Ma-"

But then she couldn't talk, couldn't move, could barely breathe in the space left from her parents tight embrace. They were all shaking.

When they pulled away, it was her father that spoke first. "Inej, is it- This isn't a trick, is it? It really is-"

"It's me." That's all she could force herself to.

Then her parents broke into hacking sobs, and she remained motionless. Was she supposed to comfort them?

When her parents had calmed down slightly, they finally asked what Inej had been dreading.

"Why are you covered in- are those knives?" Her mother shrieked.

Then it was her father's turn. "On the ship, the captain was speaking of a spy, an assassin, and he said your name. Are you- is this what's happened to you?"

She paled. Whether it was forgetting her prayers at night, or falling from the tightrope whilst performing, Inej had always hated disappointment.

Her mother saw. "Inej, my darling, we aren't mad. The man, he spoke your name with such fear. When we discovered the slave trade, and the patched past of the Wraith, we knew that you had done what was needed."

And her tongue was gone again, giving her father a chance to gaze at Kaz, then stagger back. "We- the standwatch warned us of someone, a mad killer, and are you-"

Kaz held out his hand, gloved. "Just a lookalike, sir, and a spite of bad luck."

Her father took his hand gingerly. "Bad luck?"

"I'm Kaz Rietvald," he explained. "Similar name, similar face, but I assure you, Mr Ghafa, your daughter has scared the mad killer over dozens of times."

Rietvald? Wasn't that the name they had put Colm Fahey under?

But also...She had scared Kaz before?

Well, evading death at his hands multiple times might had done that.


"Rietvald?" She questioned, sitting on the windowsill of Kaz's office. She tilted her head back so it rested against the frame of the window, and she sighed.

But she also didn't miss Kaz flinch at the name. "Yes, Rietvald." He continued to scrub his hands under the cold tap.

She picked up his cane from the corner of the room and dragged her fingers along all the curves and indents. "Am I getting an explanation?"

Kaz shut the water and grabbed a cloth to dry his hands. "Do you want one?"

She swung her legs inside the room and continued to study the cane. "Are you okay with me leaving?"

He froze.

"I mean," she continued. "Will you need me?"

Kaz came closer to her. Reluctantly, he held her hands. "I will always need you, Inej Ghafa. But I think that some others need you more."

As much as his confession moved her, she nodded. She needed to help people that had once been like her.

He went to fix his jacket on the chair, when she asked, "Rietvald. What's the connection?"

Once again, Kaz Brekker froze.

He spun towards her. "You've seen me Inej, haven't you?"

She gulped. "Yes?"

"And I know that you can fit pieces together. Shall we not lie to each other?"

Her mind was reeling backwards. Rietvald. Kaz. Brekker. The 'r' tattoo.

Kaz Brekker.

Kaz wasn't Kaz Brekker.

He was Kaz Rietvald.

He must have seen it on her face, because he stepped forwards to take her hand again, more confidently. "My clever Wraith."

"Why did you tell them?" She asked. "Why tell them the truth, Kaz?"

Gently, Kaz brought her hand up. Up and up and up until-

Oh saints.

Until her knuckles were touching Kaz's lips and he slowly, very slowly, kissed her hand.

"No. More. Secrets."

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