viii. infuriating patient

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—THE bathroom floor was where Y/n had laid her head down that night— exhaustion and the chill of her soaked dress had pulled her into a restless sleep, and when the morning came, she found that the black fabric clung to her like a second skin afte...

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—THE bathroom floor was where Y/n had laid her head down that night— exhaustion and the chill of her soaked dress had pulled her into a restless sleep, and when the morning came, she found that the black fabric clung to her like a second skin after the sudden downpour that caught her off guard. Little goosebumps littered her arms and legs as a result of her dress being short and sleeveless.

Morning light filtered through the small bathroom window, casting a soft glow on Y/n's motionless form. She stirred, her head pounding and her body aching. The cold had settled into her bones, and she felt completely out of it. She tried to sit up but quickly gave up, her head spinning and her limbs heavy.

Meanwhile, Wriothesley, who stood in front of the door to her apartment, ran a hand through his hair and let out a hefty sigh. Why was he here?

"So let me get this straight. You want me to go in and check on her so she can essentially force me to meet my demise?", he exaggerated.

Navia clicked her tongue. "You're so dramatic! Besides, she probably doesn't have it in her to kill you after last night. Knowing her, she's conked out somewhere random with a pending cold 'cause she never leaves with a jacket unless I tell her to", and after the heavy rain last night, Navia was positive that the model was soaked to the brim. "I'm just worried about her, she's not answering her phone, so go in! She never remembers to lock the door after a night out so that won't be a problem".

Wriothesley was taken about by how much Navia knew about Y/n's habits. It was more than impressive.

Navia hastily hung up and dusted her hands together, placing her them on her hips at her successful (she hopes) efforts at playing matchmaker. It also brought her a great sense of comfort knowing that someone was there to look after Y/n in her stead while she was gone.

With great hesitation, Wriothesley opened the door, and Navia's words were on the mark, she had in fact left the door open.

Wriothesley followed the faint sounds of shuffling and occasional disgruntled noises, eventually leading him to the bathroom.

The ravenette looked down on the girl who seemed to be knocked out on the floor. He laughed silently to himself as he crouched down and shook her shoulder. It was certainly a sight to behold.

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