vii. unwelcome advances

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—"IT has something to do with Wriothesley doesn't it!"

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—"IT has something to do with Wriothesley doesn't it!".

Y/n raised a brow. "Him again? Seriously?", she was getting fed up of hearing his name all the time, these days, a day couldn't pass without her hearing his name at least once. It was exasperating!

She pulled out her phone, deciding to disassociate from the conversation.

"I mean, you're not denying it~", Navia stiffled a laugh behind her palm.

Y/n's irritation prickled as she read the message that had popped up on her phone. As soon as she noticed that an unsaved number was texting her, she unintentionally let out a hum of disgust.

Sooo about my question earlier..

Suppressing a sigh, she begrudgingly typed out her response, her reluctance evident in each word. Why was he so curious about her plans tomorrow night with someone he didn't even know?

Are you always this nosy?

I just wanna satisfy my curiosity

Google 'synonyms for being nosy' rq and that exact sentence will pop up

"I smell jealousy..", Navia spoke, hovering over Y/n's shoulder, startling the model as she caught her phone before it fell on the ground. How she magically teleported behind her back was beyond Y/n.

She shot her friend a puzzled look, her brow furrowing in confusion."What is there to be jealous of?", she spoke, wholly oblivious to Navia's implications.

Navia shrugged, feigning cluelessness. "Sometimes what you're looking for is right in front of you y'know".

Y/n let out a small laugh. "You wanna be mysterious so bad with all this cryptic talk", Y/n joked.

Be nice to Wriothesley challenge go

How old are you?

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