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—"WHO set me up"

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—"WHO set me up".

"No one set you up".

"C'mon Navia! You can tell me. Be a bro not a foe", Y/n pleaded with the woman who was placing the finishing touches onto Y/n's face.

"The producers just thought a collaboration would be a good idea since you two have been the talk of the town as of late, that's all", she said in honesty, dusting off the excess powder on the model's face. "No one's plotting your downfall or anything".

Well it sure felt like it.

"I'm sure it'll just be a one time thing", she looked at the woman through the mirror and fixed her hair. If there was one thing Navia was good at, it was putting Y/n's mind at ease.

"I'll take your word for it Navia", Y/n responded, a faint smile on her face.

The model made her way out of the changing rooms and she really wished she didn't.

In fact she wanted to hop back into the car and zoom home.

The black suit that was crisp like a banknote. Not a single crease could be seen. The red tie that was pin straight against his chest.

All in all Y/n thought he looked quite ugly really.

She grimaced.

"Can you at least pretend you can tolerate the guy?", Navia creeped up behind her and gave her a little nudge, urging her to get onto the set.

As Wriothesley was conversing with a few of the crew members, he noticed Y/n from his peripheral vision.

He folded his arms. "I just knew we'd meet again", he spoke in amusement.

Y/n's frown was even deeper at this point and she dismissed his silly statement. If he knew that then why didn't he pursue a career in fortune telling or something so she could live a peaceful life without a 6 foot idiot trying to steal her spotlight??

"How did you know it was me that day?", she asked out of curiosity and caution.

"See I get this feeling when I'm around someone I think I know or recognise", he placed a hand on his chin. "It's hard to describe".

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