ix. sincere feelings

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—"NO way in hell"

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—"NO way in hell".

"C'mon! Just one spoon".

"Grovel and i'll eat it".

Wriothesley pinched the bridge of his nose with a huff. It seemed like her fever was making her more audacious than normal.

With a monotonous voice and unimpressed eyes, Wriothesley voiced, "Oh, great and powerful Y/n, please, grace me with the honor of eating this humble soup I've prepared with my own hands".

Y/n snickered and soon enough erupted into a fit laughter, the sound raspy from her reduced state.

"Glad you found that funny", he said sarcastically, using the opportunity to slip a spoonful of soup into her mouth.

She immediately jerked her head back, coughing slightly as she swallowed the soup.

"When I get better, i'm going to kill you".

"I'll take my chances," unfazed by her threat, he brought another spoonful of soup to her lips. "Besides, if you did that I'd be missed too much".

"In your dreams," she muttered, opening her mouth reluctantly and swallowing the soup.

Wriothesley shrugged his shoulders. "Dreams, reality—same difference".

Y/n rolled her eyes, feeling the familiar annoyance bubble up inside her. "You know, your confidence is seriously misplaced."

"And yet, here I am," he said, his voice teasing. "Confidently feeding you soup."

Y/n swore in that moment one of her veins had popped. She switched from her sat up posture to a lying one, pulling her covers over her body once again and turning away from Wriothesley. His comment made her regret her attempt at being somewhat compliant.

"Go away", she spat plainly.

Not much time passed by when her phone buzzed on the nightstand. She glanced at the screen and let out a sigh, picking the call, her voice hoarse as she answered.

"Hello?", she croaked.

"Hey, Y/n," a voice came through, oblivious to how sick she sounded, or perhaps ignoring it all together. Y/n wasn't sure. "Just calling to confirm our plans for the afternoon".

Y/n winced. She was in no condition to go anywhere, but she couldn't stand the thought of being stuck with Wriothesley all day. "Actually, can we push it to the evening? I'm feeling a bit under the weather, but I should be better by then".

"Alright, i'll see you later then".

Y/n bit her lips as her eyebrows knitted together. She had made it blatantly obvious that she was sick, yet he didn't even offer a simple 'get better soon' or any words of the sort.

It was awfully similar to the way her father used to behave.

She hung up with haste.

Upon giving the situation a second thought, she decided she wouldn't go. Like she had done many times in the past, she always chose to stay away from anyone who showed similar characteristics to her father, even if that meant spending the whole day with her sworn enemy.

Wriothesley hummed to himself which didn't go unnoticed by Y/n.

"What is it?", she knew he had something to say so she thought he might as well come out and say it.

"Nothing, it's just I can't figure you out at all", he placed the bowl on top of the nightstand, crossing his arms.

"And I can't figure you out either", she shot his words back at him. "Why do you care about me so much?". What she would've preferred to say say was 'why are you always in my business' but she thought it best to at least try to be a little nicer since he was taking care of her even though she never asked for his help.

She once again repositioned herself so that she was facing the man, her actions making it evident that she wanted answers.

"Tell you what. You tell me why you act the way you do and I'll answer your question", Wriothesley offered.

Y/n's eyebrows scrunched up. "What's wrong with the way I act?".

Wriothesley gave a puzzled look. "You curse me out on a daily basis", he thought that much was obvious. Still, Y/n didn't think that was much of a problem.

She pursed her lips in thought before she shook her head. "Forget it, you wouldn't understand—".

"Cause you're not letting me understand you", his eyes searched her face.

Y/n felt a dam of emotions threatening to burst. She balled her fists tightly. "You don't have to understand me okay!", her voice rising. With expressive hand gestures, she voiced, "You don't get it, I've put everything into modelling since I was young. It was the only thing I was ever good at, it made me feel unique. And then you—" she pointed an accusing finger at him, "—you come along and steal the spotlight with minimal effort in such a short space of time".

She internally cursed herself. She had no idea why she was spewing the entirety of her honest feelings to him.

Wriothesley was quick to recover from his taken aback state as he tilted his head, his eyes softening. "Didn't that make you feel lighter?".

The first thing Y/n did was scrunch her eyebrows in simple bewilderment. How he was patient with her, how he didn't reply to her snappy tone with a snappy response, she just couldn't fathom how he could tolerate her attitude. She has done everything in her power to push him away, yet he always stays.

The second thing Y/n did was assess her internal state. She did in fact feel lighter, not that she would ever announce that out loud.

Y/n scratched her head in exasperation, reaching the only conclusion she could think of. "You're a masochist", surely that was the only reason he was still sticking around right?

Wriothesley screwed up his face. "And where exactly did you get that idea from??".

"You're not denying it", she picked up the bowl from beside her and opted to quickly eat the soup. It would quicken her recovery and she could finally dish out the multiple punches she owed him. "Say, for all your hard work, i'll tell you a story".

Wriothesley was nothing short of confused. Every word that came out of her mouth today, he knew he would've never been able to predict in a million years.

"What am I, five?".

A/N: it's been a while ha ha

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A/N: it's been a while ha ha....takes me forever to write chapters these days im loosing my spark fr

Make sure to vote and have a great day/ peaceful night!

Word count: 1090 words
Date: 24/7/24

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