v. forbidden media

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—"I still can't believe you tried to hide that article from me"

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—"I still can't believe you tried to hide that article from me".

"I was doing you a favour...you can see how that turned out..".

The noise of the bustling mall was enough to make Y/n turn around and go home. It was sensory overload really. Multiple conversations being held at the one time so you can barely hear yourself think, slow walkers who were impossible to overtake due to people being at every side of you and not to mention the music playing in the background. Y/n could've sworn that every time she came to this particular mall, the same song was being played. Where was the diversity?

She would much rather sit in front of a screen and shop online but Navia proclaimed it wasn't the same.

"Where should we go first?", Navia asked, her eyes scanning around the area.

Y/n pondered for a minute before reaching an answer. "I wanna get new studs", she tucked her hair behind her ear revealing the line of studs and hoops embellishing her left ear, her right only having little to no additional piercings.

Navia deflated. There was nothing more boring than shopping for stuff you need. Purchasing things you didn't need was more up her ally.

"They look fine! Let's go shopping for something more interesting", Navia pleaded.

"Navia, they may look silver now but they were gold once upon a time..", Y/n admitted.

"Alright fine", Navia sighed in defeat. "And this time get better quality ones!".

If he was being honest, Wriothesley couldn't understand why of all celebrities, it had to be Y/n that Sigewinne wholeheartedly admired.

"You wanna be me so bad", Wriothesley clicked his tongue.


Wriothesley waved his hand in dismissal. "Ignore me".

Sigewinne obliged and went back to scanning the various magazines on display. It wasn't like she was paying much attention to him in the first place.

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