29. True Gryffindors *

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"You remind me of a few of my famous friends, well that all depends, on what you qualify as friends" ~ I've Got Friends In Holy Spaces, Panic! At The Disco

"She saved their lives, mum."
"But what happened to her?"
"I don't know, Harry found her like that, she passed out just before they left.
"She looks badly hurt."
"No shit, Ron!"
"Language, Taylor!"

A small groan escapes my lips, and I force my eyes open.

The piercing bright light stings my eyes, and I groan again, becoming aware of my surroundings.

The Hospital Wing.

"Thank goodness, miss Potter, you're awake," Madam Pomfrey's voice appears. "You were very badly hurt."

"What happened?" I mumble, as I pull myself into a sitting position.

"You passed our in the Chamber, but we got you back here," Tay explains, walking to my bed with Ron at her side.

"You took a bad knock to the head, Hayles," Ron adds.

It's then that I realise that my hair is slightly damp - I look around at my friends, holding up a strand.

"I had to get the blood out of your hair," Madam Pomfrey says from across the room, fussing over the Petrified students. "Mr. Weasley, Miss Saunters, help her out of bed, the Headmaster wants to see her."

Ron and Tay help me out of the hospital bed, and I look down to see I'm still wearing my Quidditch robes - which are splattered with blood and dirt. I examine myself on a mirror that's hanging on the wall; my face is covered in scratches and my face is still more pale than usual.

"Haylee, thank you dear! You saved Ginny!"

Before I can even put a name to the voice, I'm pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"Careful mum, she's still weak," Ron pipes up.
"Mrs Weasley," I mumble. "It's fine, don't worry."

She releases me and looks at me tearfully.
"Thank you," she whispers.

"Haylee? Haylee Potter?"

I turn to see an unfamiliar face staring at me with puffy eyes. She has he same dark hair and tanned skin as Tay and Asher, so I make an assumption.

"Mrs. Saunters?"

She nods her head, and gives me a light hug.
"Thank you, sweerheart, thank you," she whispers in my ear, before releasing me.

"Dumbledore wants to see you in his office, Hayles," Ron tells me. "Harry's there too."

With that, I leave the infirmary and make my way to the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

I reach the Griffin statue, and think back to the last time I was here.

"Uh - sherbet lemon?" I say hopefully.

Much to my relief, the statue slides open, and I climb up into Dumbledore's office.

I enter to find Harry and Dumbedore in a conversation, but they stop to greet me.

"Ah, Haylee, I'm happy that you're okay," Dumbledore says kindly. "Your brother and I were just talking about your encounter in the Chamber of Secrets."

I nod my head slightly, and the conversation continues.

"You were saying something about strange likenesses?" Dumbledore says.
"Yes, well Riddle told us that we shared strange likenesses with him," Harry explains.

"And what so you think?" Dumbledore says thoughtfully.

"I don't think we're like him at all," I speak up. "The Sorting Hat might have considered putting me in Slytherin, but Tom Riddle is a monster," the words escape from my mouth quickly.

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