8. Cornish Pixies *

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"Put up or shut up, we're not wasting time again" ~ Break Out! Break Out!, All Time Low

"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Me." A very familiar man announces, standing in front of the class.

"Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, honorary member of the Dark Force Defence League and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award." He continues, looking at the multiple pictures of himself that are around the room.

"Why didn't you tell me that this git is our new teacher?" I hiss at Hermione.

Instead of answering, she simply tells me to be quiet, completely mesmerised by Lockhart.

"I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him. Now, be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind..." Lockhart says, motioning to a cage on his desk.

The cage is covered by a purple cloth, and whatever is inside it is moving around rapidly.

"...You may find yourselves facing your worst fear in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream..." Lockhart says, preparing to reveal the creature to us. "It might provoke them."

With that, he pulls the cloth off the cage, revealing several small, blue, winged creatures.

"Cornish pixies?" Seamus scoffs.
"Freshly caught Cornish pixies." Lockhart retorts, sending Seamus, Neville, Harry, Ron and I into laughter.

"Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnegan, bit pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them." Lockhart says, dramatically opening the cage and letting out the ecstatic pixies.

They swarm towards us, and we all jump from our desks, trying to get away from them.

"Come on now, round them up. They're only pixies." Lockhart mocks, as the pixies begin throwing textbooks at us.

From the back of the classroom, I see Neville being lifted up off the ground by the pixies.
They then hang him from the lights hanging off the ceiling.

"Oh my god!" I shout, trying to stop the pixies from pulling my hair. "Ugh! Get the hell off me!"

"Stop! Hold still!" Harry tells me, holding a thick book in his hands.

He then hits the pixies away with the book, barely missing my head.

"Peskipiski Pesternomi!" Lockhart yells, waving his wand around aimlessly. But then a pixie zooms forward and snatches his wand off him.

Lockhart then sprints towards his office, the pixies following him.

"I'll ask you five to just nip the rest of them back into their cage." Lockhart says to us, before locking himself in his office.

"What do we do now!" Tay shouts. "Everyone else is gone!"
"Theres too many of them!" Ron yells, swatting pixies away with a book.

Hermione suddenly pulls her wand from inside her robes, and points it upwards.

"Immobulus!" She shouts, making a blue light come from the tip of her wand.
This makes all the pixies freeze instantly, ending the chaos.

"Why is it always me?" Neville - who is still hanging from the ceiling - asks grimly.

"Look on the bright side, guys." I say, ending a short silence that follows Neville's statement. "At least there's no way that Voldemort's on the back of that guys head."


Two chapters in one day because I'm motivated :)

Please remember to vote/comment/follow and I'll return the favour

Next chapter should hopefully be up in the next few days :)

Sorry for any typos.

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