7. The Howler *

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"We're all part of the same sick little games" ~ Sick Little Games, All Time Low

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Taylor and I walk to the Herbology Greenhouse together.
Hermione is pestering Ron about the car incident, while Harry, Taylor and I are talking about Quidditch.

"So you play Quidditch then?" Harry asks, seeming to get on very well with her.

"I love Quiddtch." She replies enthusiastically, "but Beauxbatons didn't take first years onto the team."

"You should try out for the Gryffindor team." I tell her.
"You two are on the team them?" She asks.

"They're the youngest players in a century!" Ron pipes up.
"I play Chaser and Harry plays Seeker." I tell her, as she looks at us in amazement.

"I think I'll try out then." She tells us. "I play Chaser too."

I nod my head: as much as I love Angelina and Katie, it wouldn't mind Taylor taking either of their places; as bad as that may sound...

"You'll need to speak to Oliver Wood," Harry tells her, as we enter the Greenhouse.

"Morning, everyone." Professor Sprout says as she walks in.

"Good morning, Professor Sprout."

"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Gather around, everyone. Today we're going to re-pot Mandrakes." She tells us.

We all take a step closer to the table, where several Mandrake plants are placed.

Hermione, Taylor and I are on one side of the table, while Ron and Harry are on the other side, just across from us.

"Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" Sprout asks.

As always, Mione's hand shoots up.

"Yes, Miss Granger."

"Mandrake, or Mandragora is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state." Hermione answers the question, making Sprout nod. "It's also dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor." Sprout praises.

I nudge Hermione's shoulder and she smiles proudly.

"As our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cries won't kill you yet. But they could knock you out for hours, which is why I have given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection." Sprout informs, "so can you please put them on right away? Quickly."

We all slip on grey, fluffy earmuffs, that make every noise slightly muffled.

"Now watch me closely. Grasp your Mandrake firmly. You pull it sharply out of the pot..." she says, pulling her own Mandrake out.

The Mandrake begins crying loudly, and we all gasp and clutch our ears.

"...Got it? And...now you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." She says, still demonstrating.

Suddenly, I see Neville's eyes roll backwards, and he passes out, hitting the ground with a loud thump.

"Longbottom's been neglecting his earmuffs." Sprout sighs, making Malfoy and his goons chuckle.

"No, ma'am, he's just fainted." Seamus replies, looking down at Neville.

"Yes, well just leave him there." Sprout says. "Right, on we go. Plenty of pots to go around."

We all take a pot and prepare to pull out the Mandrakes.

"Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up." Sprout says, and we all obey.

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