9. Mudblood *

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"I don't wanna hear about the bad blood anymore, I don't wanna hear you talk about it anymore" ~ Bad Blood, Bastille

"Hayles! Haylee! Wake up!"

I'm woken up by someone shaking me relentlessly.

My eyes Flicker open, to see that the sun hasn't even risen yet.

"Ugh. Go away." I mumble groggily, attempting to swat away the person who's trying to wake me.

My hand collides with someone's face, making whoever it is yelp slightly.
I roll over to see Tay and Katie kneeling by my bed, Tay rubbing her face while sending me a pointed stare.

"Tay...Katie?" I mutter, as Tay rubbed her face.
"Yes, now get up! Wood's organised a Quidditch practise." Katie hisses.

"You're joking? It's the crack of dawn." I say, slowly getting up from bed.

"We don't make the rules, sweetheart." Tay tells me, sounding half asleep.
"Quick, get changed." Katie tells me.

I quickly change into my Gryffindor Quidditch robes and I grab my broom.

We had Quidditch trails not too long ago, and almost nothing changed; except for the fact that Tay managed to steal Angelina's position as Chaser.

"Alright, let's go." I mumble.

I quickly scribble a note for Hermione, before the three of us leave the common room, and head to the changing rooms.

I collapse onto the bench, beside A puffy eyes George, and Tay and Kate sit opposite us.

"Ah, Haylee, good morning."Wood says cheerfully, seeming to be the only one actually awake.

"Is it, Wood? Is it really?" I mumble, almost in audibly. "Where's Harry?"

"Dunno." Wood shrugs. "I woke him up not too long ago."

Not too long after my question, Harry enters, looking cold and tired, like the rest of us.

"There you are, Harry, what kept you?" Wood asks, as Harry takes a seat beside me.

"Now, I wanted a quick talk with you all before we actually get onto the pitch, because I spent the summer devising a whole new training program, which I really think will make all the difference..."

He holds up a large diagram of a Quidditch field, that has several lines, arrows and crosses drawn on it.

He begins explaining the board, but I completely zone out.

My head drops onto Harry's shoulder, and my eyes begin drooping. Suddenly, George's head drops onto my shoulder and I hear him begin to snore faintly.

"So," Wood says, waking me with a start, "is that clear? Any questions?"

"I've got a question, Oliver," George says, removing his head from my shoulder. "Why couldn't you have told us all this yesterday when we were awake?"

"Now, listen here you lot," Wood snaps, glowering at us all, "we should have won the Quidditch cup last year. We're easily the best team. But unfortunately, owing to circumstances beyond our control..."

"Our fault." I say through a yawn.

Seeing as Harry and I were unconscious for the final match last year, Gryffindor was two players short and suffered a horrible defeat.

"There's a lot about you two that I don't know." Tay comments, pointing at us.

"So this year, we train harder than ever before...Okay, let's go and put our new theories into practise!" Wood shouts, grabbing his broom and leading us from the changing rooms.

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