6. The Flying Car and New Additions *

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"We're driving fast in my car, we've get our riot gear on, bit we just want to have fun" ~ Fast In My Car, Paramore

"Ron, I should tell you..." Harry shouts over the roaring car engine. "...most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car."

"Right." Ron says, reaching forward to push a button on the dashboard that turns the car invisible.

"Right." I breath out, nodding my head slowly.

We might just be able to do this.

After a long while of flying, we find ourselves in the country side - London long behind us.

Everything is going perfectly, until the car suddenly loses the ability to stay invisible.

"Oh no!" Ron cries, looking around the car nervously. "The Invisibility Booster must be faulty."

"It doesn't matter," I say from the backseat. "Come on, we need to go lower to find the train."

Ron listens to my idea and we fly downwards, until we came Across the massive train tracks that the Hogwart's Express takes.

"Now all we need to do is catch up with the train." Harry says, as we fly only inches above the train tracks.

"We can't be far behind." Ron muses, as the distinct sound of a train appears.

"Can you hear that?" Harry asks, an Ron and I nod.
"We must be getting close." Ron says happily, as the sound grows louder.

In fact, judging by how loud it is, the train should be right in front of us. But there's absolutely nothing.

"Hold on." I murmer, as we all come to the dreaded realisation.

I look back to see the Hogwart's Express right behind us - literally on our tail.

We all begin screaming in terror, an finally Ron takes a sharp turn away from the tracks, making the car flip around several times.

"Level out the car!" I scream as I'm pushed up against Hedwig's cage.

Before Ron can try to do so, Harry is thrown forcefully at the car door, making it open. He falls out, grabbing into the door handle for dear life.

"Harry!" I shout, as I lean forwards to help him.
"Tale my hand!" Ron yells, shoving his hand forward.

Harry manages to grip Ron's hand for a brief moment, before slipping from it.

"You need to hold on!" I shout at him.

"I'm trying!" He shouts back. "His hand is all sweaty!"

They finally manage to grip each other's hands, and Ron pulls Harry back into the car.

"I think we found the train, guys." I speak up, breaking a very short silence.

"Yeah." Ron says breathlessly, as we continue following the train to Hogwarts.


The rest of the journey is rather quiet and - thankfully - completely uneventful.

"We're home, Harry." I whisper, as we fly over the Black Lake towards the beautiful castle.

We all smile silently, taking in the sight.

Suddenly, the car gives a horrible jolt, and begins spluttering.

The car begins losing altitude quickly, as Ron struggles to keep it in the air.

"Up!" I yell, as Harry and Ron aimlessly press buttons in the dashboard. "Mind that tree!"

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