2. Escape to the Burrow *

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"My friends are a different breed. My friends are everything" ~ Vegas, All Time low

I honestly think that this one has one upped the boa constrictor incident that happened last year. Seriously, if it wasn't for the fact that Uncle Vernon is currently putting metal bars over mine and Harry's bedroom window. And if there weren't multiple locks on our door, I'd applaud myself...

"You're never going back to that school." Uncle Vernon says darkly. "You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!"

Luckily, no one else saw Dobby that night, otherwise this could be so much worse.

Not that this could get much worse.


I stifle a yawn as I wake up from a very light and restless sleep. The small room is dark and cold, and the bars on the window make it feel like a literal prison.

Well, happy twelfth birthday to us....

A strange sound - kind of like an old car motor - meets my eyes, making me turn over to ace the window.

Harry is already on his, staring out the window.
I pull myself from my bed and stand silently beside Harry, to see a bright light coming towards the house.

"Harry? What the hell--" I mumble.

The bright light comes closer, revealing it to be two bright lights - car headlights, to be precise.

Wait, car headlights?

A blue flying car stops at our window, leaving me completely shocked.

"Haylee, is this a dream?" Harry whispers, as the car begins turning, so the front seats are in a view.

No way.

In the front seats of the flying blue car, sits four gingers; Ron, Fred and George.

"Hiya, Harry, Hayles." Ron smiles, as the twins lean around to see us.

"What are you all doing here?" I ask, a smile stuck on my face.

"Rescuing you, of course. Now, come on, get your trunks." Ron tells us.

Harry and I quickly retrieve our trunks while Ron, Fred and George prepare to break the bars away.

"You two better stand back." Ron says, as he attaches a large hook to the bars, that is then connected to the car by a rope.

They then turn around and drive forward, instantly ripping the bars from our window.

"There's no way that didn't wake our Aunt and Uncle..." I say.

"Potters!" Uncle Vernon's furious cries appear.

"Well, there you go!" I exclaim as Harry and I frantically load our trunks into the open boot.

Harry then grabs Hedwig and her cage and Fred and George load it into the car.

At that exact moment, the door bursts open, and all three Dursley's rush in.

Before I can even make a move to enter the car, Fred and George grab my hands and practically drag me inside.

"Thanks!" I say breathlessly, as Harry climbs from the window.

Harry jumps into the car, but our Uncle manages to grab his foot.

The five of us begin yelling and shouting at Uncle Vernon, desperately trying to pull Harry into the car.

"Let go of him!" I shout at our Uncle, who is almost hanging out the window.

"You two and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" He shouts back.
"Get off!"

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