Precedence 1

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Nicholas and I spent the entire morning booking our flight, making hotel reservations at Byron Bay, and planning the events of our trip. It seems a bit crazy that we're planning to leave for Australia so soon, but this is where our dreams are leading us. Fate has its plans for us and we must go where it leads. I feel like a whole new person. Everything I have decided for myself, the plans I have made for my life, are no longer relevant. Regaining the memories of Margaret and Jonathan takes precedence.

"Hi," Ally says with a worried look on her face as she enters my bedroom. "Is there an emergency? Your text seemed funny."

I texted Laura and Ally earlier and told them I needed to talk to them ASAP. I'm not sure how either of them will react when I tell them that I'm traveling to Australia but this is something that I need to do.

"It's no emergency," I explain, barely looking at Ally as I move around the room picking up things and throwing them into the suitcase on the bed. "Nick and I have decided to go to Australia and I need you and Laura to help me pack.

"You're going to Australia?" Laura asks in disbelief as she enters my room and stands by the door next to Ally.

"She is apparently," Ally says, pointing towards the suitcase on the bed. "...and it looks like she's leaving soon since she's already started packing."

Laura walks over to the bed and looks down at the suitcase. She picks up one of my T-shirts from the suitcase and looks at it as if it will help her understand better what is going on.

"Have you seen my passport?" I ask, looking at Laura briefly then pulling out my underwear drawer and picking out different pairs of underwear to take with me. "I thought it was in the nightstand drawer with my diaries but I didn't find it there. Can you help me find it?"

"Can you stop for a minute?" Laura says, holding her right hand up to her shoulder with a look of bewilderment plastered on her face. "You're moving around like a crazy person and we have no idea what is going on. Can you please explain all this?" she says, pointing to the suitcase.

I walk over to the bed and throw the pairs of underwear that I picked out into the suitcase. "I'm sorry," I say, sitting in front of the suitcase on the bed. I look at Laura then Ally and tap the empty spaces on either side of me. They each take a seat next to me.

"Everything is all happening so fast," I explain. "Nicholas and I, we had another dream last night."

"Another one?" Ally says. "What do you think brought it on this time?" she smirks.

"Well," I say, looking at Ally and then Laura. "We... we made love."

Ally and Laura smile. "Tell us more," Ally says softly.

"Well, it was very strange... Strange but beautiful. When our bodies combined I knew that I had felt him in the same way before. It's like we felt each other's soul when we became one."

"Wow!" Laura says. "That sounds amazing,"

I nod my head in response and look at Laura. "It was the most amazing thing I ever felt."

"What was this next dream about?" Ally asks, impatiently. "Was it about the first time they made love?"

"Ally," I laugh. "Well, it was but not entirely."


"Well, this dream was different. It wasn't just one memory. There were multiple memories but they weren't complete."

Ally and Laura's eyes grow wide with curiosity. "Some of the memories did not include Jonathan and some did. I also saw Margaret's mom in the dream and found out why Nicholas and I came back?"

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