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"now I want you to go and pose over there. Just sit on that table and do what I'm asking you to do" said h/n.

I nodded and walked up there with my black off shoulder dress. My hair was wet as it was for the photoshoot.

I sat on the table and posed for the photo giving my best look without smiling. He clicked a couple of photos and then came up to me.

He looked at me showing me the pictures. I smiled and looked at him. I kissed his cheek. He looked at me and smirked.

"Ok for now you can go and get ready for another shoot" he said. I got off the table and walked to the dressing room. My make-up artist John was already waiting for me. He's a sweet guy.

"One more" he asked smiling at me as I nodded sitting down. Once he was done with my make up.

I changed into my other outfit which was a bikini but not a revealing one. I was so anxious because I've never worn a bikini.

I slowly walked out and looked for h/n. He was with his camera and was doing something. I slightly poked his shoulder.

He lifted his head up to look at me. "Uhm wow you look gorgeous" he said making me blush. "Hey are you nervous" he asked me.

I nodded shyly. "It's my first time wearing this" i mentioned about the bikini. "Oh it's fine sweetheart" he said.

I looked up at him and smiled. "Now listen ok. Did you wear your heels" he asked me. I shook my head no.

"Ok I'll call John to bring them to you" he said smiling. I nodded. After John has brought my heels. He put them on for me.

I was now once again on the stage. I stretched forth my legs and put them on one another.  I began to pose for the pictures.

"Ok your done for today" he said. I sighed and got down. I walked back to the dressing room.

I changed into my regular outfit and walked out with my purse. I looked at h/n and he was showing some pictures to John.

I walked up to them. "Hey y/n" said John making h/n also look at me. "Hey thank you for today i really liked that I got you as my photographer" i told h/n.

He smiled at me. "Oh thank you y/n are you leaving now" he asked me. "Ahh yes I'll be leaving now ok then bye see ya" I waved them goodbye and walked away.

I was walking by and it was mid afternoon. I saw an orphanage school. I decided to go and meet them and give them some money.

I walked inside and many children were there making noises. I noticed one particular baby which fell down and was crying. 

My heart ached looking at that poor baby. I walked up there and took that baby in my arms. It was crying and crying.

It had a bruise on his head. I immediately ran to the office as it began to ran.

I held that baby close to my chest and once I reached the office. I looked at the lady sitting there.

"Uhm where is this child's mother" i asked the lady who was in her early 50s.
"Oh I'm sorry dear, but this is baby mark and he doesn't have anyone for him that's why he was put up here for adoption" she said looking at the baby who was mark.

"Can I have him" i asked her politely. Her eyes brightened up. "sure dear do you want to take him now" she asked. I smiled at her and nodded.

She gave me some forms to fill up while i held baby mark in my hand who was going on staring at me with a smile and giggle on his face.

I looked at him and kissed his cheek. He giggled. Wow such a cute baby. I'm so lucky.

Once i was done filling the forms. They also said that we need to pay some amount which I was happy to give.

I submitted the forms. I gave her the money. "Mark must be lucky or happy cuz he's got someone now for him" she said smiling and handing me a small baby bag which i assumed were his clothes and some toys in that.

"But why was he put up for adoption?" I asked the lady. She smiled sadly. "dear it was because neither of his parents wanted him, when he was born his mother wanted to kill him but his father was there to save him. His mother also threw him once from the bedroom window which by luck he was saved or else such a tiny human wouldn't have been here with us. Sister corns picked him up and brought him here with us and now you're taking him. Please take care of him dear" she said.

I nodded and carried him outside with me but i bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry" i heard that person say.

But when I looked up to see it was none other that h/n. "Oh hey y/n what are you doing here" he asked as he looked at baby mark and me.

"Oh well i came here and i got this cute baby with me" i said smiling. "Mark you adopted him" he asked. Wait how does he know mark. 

"Ya how do you know his name" i asked him. "he's my Little nephew" he said. I was shocked.

"Ok but I like i adopted him just now, do you want him" i asked feeling sad. "no it's fine but wait here I'll be back" he said.

I nodded as i saw him walk back into that school. After a while he came back with a smile on his face.

"So what made you take him" asked h/n as we walked. "Well. I honestly don't know but he's so cute and poor baby fell down from the bench and  see how his soft head is bruised" i said showing Mark's head.

He hummed. "Is he gonna stay with you now" h/n asked me. "hahah of course why you don't think i took him then" i giggled.

"Hmm. Well he is cute" he said smiling. I nodded. We both walked to my house. "Come inside h/n" i said smiling. He smiled at me as i opened the door and walked in.

I gave mark to h/n and he carried him. I Walked to my bedroom setting his bag down. I came out and saw h/n.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was my family members i rolled my eyes at them as I made them enter.

They all were shocked to see h/n and a baby in his arms. "Are you in a relationship" asked your mother. You huffed and said no.

"This is a baby mark. I got him today and this is h/n my photographer and friend, well we both adopted him today" i said.

They all nodded and after a few talks they walked away. As you closed the door. You turned to face h/n but was cut off by him pressing his lips on yours while he held mark in his hands.

"Are you happy" asked h/n as he held mark. You looked at him and kissed him passionately. "Yes I am h/n thank you for everything" you said smiling.

Mark held out his hands for you to carry him. "Awe my sweet baby" you giggled as you took him in your arms. He giggled.

You left a kiss on his soft forehead and cuddled him to your chest. "I'm happy to find a girlfriend like you" said h/n as he kissed your head and Mark's head too.

"I love you" you said smiling. "I love you too, well i love you both" said h/n kissing you passionately.

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