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He removed a pack of cigarettes and went to put one in his mouth when she stopped him

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He removed a pack of cigarettes and went to put one in his mouth when she stopped him.

"Hey hey don't smoke now" she says.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Why y/n?" He asks with a smirk. "Because i am going to kiss you" she says.

He throws the cigarette and lighter down. He cups her face and smashes his lips on hers. They move in sync. He felt a warm feeling inside his tummy when he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him more into the kiss. She massages the back of his neck and tuggs on his roots which causes him to elict a moan. They both get so lost into the kiss that they do not know that his friends were watching them and turned away. H/n and y/n's make out session starts to get sloppier and they both finally pull away with swollen and wet lips.

His breath was faming over her lips as he spoke. "If i would get kisses like this everyday then i won't mind quiting smoking".

She blushes at that sentence.

"I can promise you kisses" she says with a giggle. He gives her a boyish grin and kissed her forehead.

"Well see if you quit smoking like right now it will be harmful for your health. So quit it slowly. Start with smoking once a day and then slowly quit it. Then it will make you, you know uhm healthy?" She says, which causes him to chuckle.

"You are like my mom. But better and differnt than her" he smiles. She grins and pecks his lips.

"Oh by the way where are you friends?" She asks.

"We are right here" they all say.

She gasps and turns around. "Oh gosh did you see us?" She asks while covering her mouth. "Yes we did. I hope no one else sees you guys like that" noah says.

"I am so sorry" you say. You feel an arm wrapped around your shoulder. "Don't be sorry about that" h/n tells you which makes you blush.

"Ok come on you guys keep that romance for the bedroom. let's get back to our rooms then they will call us for dinner" baker says.

Everyone nods and makes their way but y/n pulls h/n along with her to the cafeteria. "Would you drink coffee with me?" She asks him. He smiles and walks along with her.

"Which one do you want?" He asks. "Uhm which one are you taking?" She asks him. He smiles before answering. "Cappuccino" he says. "Ok, i'll take that one" you say.

"Two Cappuccino's please" he says to the lady. You are quick to take out the money.

When the lady hands you guts the coffee you push the money in front and she takes it. You look at h/n who has a shocked expression.  "Come" you say and take a seat at a table.

"I would have paid y/n. You didn't have to" he whines. "It's ok. I like giving" you say and blow on the coffee. "Next time i am paying" he says. "We'll see" you smirk.

"Why aren't you drinking?" He asks you. "Eh it's too hot. I don't like hot stuff" you say. He nods. "Except you" you add and shoot him a wink. He smirks. "Oh so she is not so innocent as i thought" he says with a smirk.

You giggle. "This is so irritating. Why does she even take so much money when they can't even put a proper leaf design on this" he says which causes you to laugh. "I know right" you say while laughing. He mixes his coffee and drinks from it.

After the coffee you both walk to your dorm rooms

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After the coffee you both walk to your dorm rooms. "I'll take a shower and come to your room is that ok?" You ask him. "I'll be waiting for you" he smiles and pecks your lips. You blush and walk inside your dorm room. With a smile on your face you undress and step inside the shower.

After a shower you come out and dress yourself in cozy pyjamas and comb your hair. Once you are done, you grab your water bottle and lock your dorm room you make your way towards h/n's room.

You knock on his door and find some boys gawking at you which makes you roll your eyes. Just then the door opens and h/n smiles at you but quickly fades when he sees you rolling your eyes.

"What's up?" He asks. "Em nothing" you say and step inside his room. The room is the same and cozy too. You smell fresh aftershave and deodorant which makes you smile. "Your room smells good" you say to him with a smile. "Oh thank you" he says and sits down next to you.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks and looks at you from the side. "What do you wanna do?" You ask him. He smiles and kisses your cheek. "You are so beautiful" he whispers. "Thank you" you smile. "So any girlfriends or crushes?" You ask him with a smile and bite your lips. "Uhm no girlfriends, but i do have a crush" he says which makes you giggle.

"Who is she?" You ask him. He smirks at you. "Well she is my friend" he says. You nod. "Where does she stay?" You ask. He grabs your waist pulling you closer to him. "She is right here" he whispers against your lips. "Ok and which room is hers" you ask. "First floor and left corner room number 111" he says. You blush and kiss his lips gently and then pull away.

"Do you like me?" He asks you. You nod. "Why wouldn't i" you say. "No i mean in the way i like you" he asks. "Well...." You tease him and he groans. "Yes of course i like you silly" you giggle and kiss his nose. He smiles brightly and places his lips on yours.

Dinner was served and you were seated with h/n along with his friends. You were not enjoying your dinner and h/n noticed that. He made sure you ate a full stomach to fill your tummy.

After dinner you h/n and his friends decide to walk until it was time to sleep. You guys talked for a while, mostly gossiped about teachers.

It was time for bed now. H/n was in your room. "I guess i'll go now or else if they check and see i am not there then that's the worst" he says which causes you to giggle.

"Good night h/n sweet dreams" you say and kiss his cheeks. "I want a real kiss" he says. You smile and kiss his lips softly before pulling away. "Good night y/n. Dream of me" he winks at you. "Oh i will" you say which makes him chuckle.

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