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I like cloudy days. I really love the weather. You were in a hostel. A new place, a very different lifestyle, something odd. You didn't seem to like the place as you have heard a lot of ghost stories which have occurred at the hostel.

You had joined a hostel. It was coe-education and it was one of the oldest hostels. Many people appreciated it and that inspired your parents.

You looked at the building and found it so historical.

Your parents left you there so that you could complete college and get a proper degree and a proper job.  You knew this day would come.

The place looked a little creepy to you but it had a nice chapel inside the hostel. It still felt so mysterious yet so interesting.

The first three days you were busy in setting up your room and arranging your stuff everywhere in a proper place.

They were a few girls who would sometimes come talk to you but then would go away it's not that you are complaining.

You had been given a room for yourself and you had also developed a crush on a boy.

You were an introvert and you didn't like to involve much in others, you were the reserved type.

Next week classes would start and you were still trying to explore the place, wearing deep red t-shirt and black jeans with black canvas.

Today you were woken at 5 am and you had to go for run

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Today you were woken at 5 am and you had to go for run. You felt fresh and as you are a morning person you didn't complain. The weather was so cold in the morning.

When breakfast was done you were just walking around the hostel. You stood near the large railings. You watched how the boys placed cricket.

You smiled at the boys until you noticed someone in particular. A boy who looked so awesome and so charming. You watched him closely and smiled at how he played cricket. You saw him batting.

When he hit the ball it went across and came to the room side. You saw the ball near you. You looked back at him and he was already looking at you.

"Hey could you please throw the ball?" He asked you. You nodded instead of answering. You picked up the ball and threw it down and he caught it. He flashed you grin and you blushed. 

After a while you turned but bumped into a wall. When you fell down you looked up and saw it was that boy. He looked at you and lifted you up.

"I am sorry i didn't see you" he apologized. You looked at him "it's ok" you whispered. He nodded.

You looked back everywhere but at him as you were nervous. "I heard that you are new here" you heard a voice say. You saw it was your crush's. "Uh yeah" you said blushing. "So did you make any friends?" He asked you. "Uhm no" you said looking down. "Why?" He asked you. "I don't know" you said.  "Are you an introvert?" He asked you. "Uhm yea" you answered. "We can be friends only if you want" he said smiling. You blushed "ok" you smiled brightly. He held his hand out for you and you shook his hand. "Sorry i forgot to ask what your name is?" He asked with a soft chuckle. "Y/n and yours?" You said "y/n, oh yes mine is h/n" he winked at you and your cheeks were probably red now because of blushing.

"Great now we both would explore so much" he said and you nodded agreeing with him.

"Come let's walk" he said. "Oh yes just let me lock my dorm room" you said and walked to your room. You closed the door and turned to him. "So this is your dorm room" he said. "Yeah" you answered.

"Cool mine is on the fifth floor" he said. "Here in this block?" You asked him as you guys walked. "Oh yes" he said.

"So what are the subjects which you have taken?" He asked you. "I took psychology,  science, computer and art, and English as needed and not a choice" you said. He nodded. "What about you?" You asked him. "I took social studies, business, law and economics" he said. "Oh that's interesting" you smiled.

"This place is so mysterious" you said. "Oh yeah it is" he agreed.

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