Friends to Lovers -5

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Turning to your right you moaned lowly when a soft scented pillow came in contact with your head.

Wrapping your arms around that pillow you snuggled more deeper into it. It felt so comfy and you were loving every second of your cuddles with it.

You felt that pillow move and that pillow kissed your head and played with your hair. You frowned in your sleep.

"Mh-hm" you shifted in your position and felt the pillow shake, along with a chuckle.

You opened your eyes and looked to see that it was not a pillow but rather it was h/n's chest, and his scent which is why the pillow smelt so good.

You looked up and saw h/n's eyes smiling down at you. You smiled back at him and once again snuggled into his chest to which h/n protectively wrapped his arms around your back and your bare waist pulling you more closer to his warmth.

You felt butterflies erupt your tummy which caused you to blush. "What time is it?" You asked h/n in your still sleepy self.

"It's 7:20" he replied back in his husky morning voice. "Hmm" you hummed and dozed off to sleep once again.

H/n smiled at your cuteness and closed his eyes as he gently ran his fingers through your hair scratching your scalp which was a kind of massage to which you fell back to sleep once again.

He yawned and rested his head slightly on yours and dozed off to sleep too.

It was around 10 in the morning when everyone woke up except for h/n and y/n.

Noah and baker woke up and looked down to find y/n and h/n snuggled up against each other still sleeping like babies.

"We all know that these both like each other, but can't even confess it" said baker as he smiled down at both of them.

Noah yawned and nodded agreeing to baker's words.

They got up and soon after h/n's eyes slowly opened and he looked at the time and turned to the bed to find it empty. He kissed y/n's head and got up.

He covered her and walked outside to find all the others sitting in the living room like ghosts.

"What happened last night?" Asked Tommy. "Are you drunk or what?" Asked h/n.

"No i mean like how did we end up in the beds. Did you carry me?" Asked Tommy "nope y/n woke you up and sent you to her parents' room" said h/n as he shook his head.

"Where is she?" Asked Stefany with a small smile "she's still sleeping" said h/n with a shrug.

"What magic did you do on her that she's still sleeping?" Smirked Julia. "Nothing and moreover she's on her period" said h/n.

She nodded. "go brush your teeth" said baker as he stood up from the couch.

Everyone walked back to the rooms. H/n, Noah and baker walked back to y/n's room.

Y/n was still sleeping like a baby and h/n smiled at the sight of her. He ran his fingers through her soft skin. He kissed her cheek, then her nose, then her head.

He watched as she scrunched up her face when he left kisses all over her face.

She opened her eyes. "What" she asked in a little annyoed voice. H/n just simply smiled at her. She blushed and turned around.

"Good morning sweetheart" he whispered. She smiled at his words "good morning" she greeted back.

She got up and sat down, resting her back on the pillow. She smiled at h/n and that's when he noticed her, how beautiful she looked even after she woke up.

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