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t was yet another day, another morning. Today you didn't see h/n in the morning. You sat alone with his friends and when you ask them about him, they say they don't know anything.

Sighing you walk towards your first class which is english literature. You loved the subject but today you were not in the mood maybe because you didn't see h/n in the morning.

Throughout the period you were silent and all your thoughts were on h/n. You wondered why he didn't come for breakfast today.

After the bell rang you immediately walked out and saw his friends. You run towards them. They see you and smile.

"hey y/n" they smile. "Do you guys know where is h/n?" You ask them. "Yes actually he is not feeling well so he is staying in his room" tommy says. "Ok" you say and run towards his room.

You walk up the stairs and knock on his door. After a few minutes the door opened up.

You see a very tired and sick looking h/n. Your eyes instantly soften at his appearance.

"H-hey y/n" he sniffles. You could feel the hoarseness in his voice. "Hi h/n. What happened you didn't come to breakfast today?" You ask him. "Sorry i was not feeling good" he says. You pout and walk in. He takes a seat on his bed and you sit opposite him.

You touch his hands and then put it on his forehead, your eyes instantly widen. "H/n your burning up" you say. "Eh no it's just body temperature" he says while giggling."don't laugh h/n. You should have told me at least sent me a message" you say getting worried about him.

"No it's fine. I didn't wanna trouble you" he says. "You can never trouble me" you sigh. "What else do you have. Throat pain, cold, cough?" You ask him. "Just a little throat pain" he says. "Ok so no cough and no cold?" You ask.  "Nope" he says. "Have you eaten anything?" You ask him. "Erm no. I was not feeling hungry" he answered. "H/n you are sick of course you should eat. If you don't eat or take any medicine then how are you gonna heal?" You say.

"First of all, i will get you something to eat and medicines" you say. "Y/n it is fine" he says. "I don't think it's fine" you huff and walk towards the door. "Take a nap and i'll be back" you say and walk out.

You spot h/n's friends. "Hey can anyone of you come with me?" You ask them. "Ok" baker says and you both walk along to the office.

"Good morning. Ma'am i need permission to pass the gates" you state.
"Why?" She asks.
"Because my friend is not sick and i need to buy him some medicines and food. You can come and check too ma'am" you say.
She looks at you and grants you permission.

You and baker show the gate pass and walk towards the pharmacy. You buy all the necessary medicines and buy four five strips. Then you go to the restaurant and buy a soup and some other food.

You walk back to the hostel along with baker. Then you both head towards h/n's room. You see the door open so you walk in and see h/n and his friends sitting there and talking.

"Hey" you smile at all of them. "Woah what all you have here. From where did you get these?" Tommy asks. "Uhm i went outside and brought some medicine and food" you state while taking out the food.

"Oh did they allow you?" He asks. "Yes i got the gate pass" you say and sit beside h/n. You take the soup and take a mousel
and bring it up to h/n's mouth.

"Come on eat now" you say. He lets you feed him while all of his friends sit there and watch you feed him. After feeding him the soup, you make sure he eats all of the food which you have brought for him.

Then you give him the medicine and ask him to lay down. You go to his washroom and take a bowl of water and a cloth. You wet the cloth and place it on his head. He watches you silently.

He thought to himself. *She is one of the best girls which i have met. I don't want to let go of her*.

He smiles at her. "Thank you y/n" h/n says and kisses her hand. Y/n smiles. "Oh it's fine. I'll always do this for you" she says and kisses his nose.

After giving him a cold water wash, she asks him to take a nap while she goes down and has her lunch. H/n smiles and drifts off to sleep.

Y/n eats her lunch with h/n's friends. After lunch she decided to go to her room and change. She does some of her homework. Soon it's dawn.

Y/n takes a shower and changes into pyjamas. It was dinner time now, she decided to take hers and h/n's dinner up to his room.

H/n and y/n eat dinner together. Y/n smiles as she watches how better he feels. "How is your throat pain?" She asked him. "Yeah it's fine. I don't have that much pain and i can swallow my food properly too" he says. She nods her head and finishes her dinner.

She goes back down and returns the dishes. You walk back to h/n's room. She gives him his medicine and chats with him for a little while. She doesn't even know that time passes and it is past 12 in the night now. She massages his head as he was having a headache.

H/n was worried about y/n going out of the dorm late in the night because he knew that this hostel was not a good place. It was creepy and he heard many things happen.

"Y/n please stay in my room" he says. "No h/n. Please don't think that i am not staying because you are sick. It's not that. I really need to do some work now" she states. "Ok. But be careful and don't turn back even if you hear any voice ok. You have the cross with you right. And take some water with you" he says. "Ok" she whispers.

She cups his face and kisses him on his cheeks and pecks his lips to which he smiles.

"Good night h/n. Take care and call me if you need anything" she says. "Ok good night y/n. Sweet dreams" he says and pecks her cheek.

She smiles and steps out. She feels cool breeze hit her face. It was dark everywhere. She used the torch light from her phone as she walked down the stairs.

She feels footsteps behind her. She turns thinking it is h/n but finds no one. With confusion she walks downstairs. She once again feels heavy footsteps now she thinks that it is the guard but it was no one's.

She sighs and turns to walk when she hears a whisper. "Ssss....shh.......i...." She hears. The fear instantly gushes inside her. Tears flow down her eyes and cold sweat pours from her back.

"Go away" she says her voice is full of fear.  "Come....to....me" she hears the whisper again. She began to run but fell. She feels footsteps. She takes the water and throws it in that direction and runs immediately to her room. She quickly locks the door and throws water all over her dorm. She is breathing heavily full of fear.

She begans to cry and she gets in her head. She knew that something was wrong at this place from day one. She cries herself to sleep and closes her eyes.

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