Part 3.

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They're disgusting. Standing right in front of the mirror, I'm placing my fingers through three long, ugly scars that have flogged my stomach. The doctors said the scars would fade over time. Yeah. All the same large, as bad look, the same blue when the temperature changes. Perhaps I should clarify the timing. I cover my eyes, try to remember my body without them. I can't. I feel like they've been here forever.

I shudder when I feel a warm touch on my back, and I open my eyes. Tetsuo hugs me by placing his chin on my shoulder. The guy is almost a head higher, I look ridiculous compare to him. And it's not just the height. He is beautiful and incredibly charming. Black short hair, fabulous brown eyes, high jawlines, athletic build, and muscles. All this is mixed with a cheerful grin and an eternal tan. This is like the most popular boy everyone falls in love with at first sight. And here I am. A small, skinny, and shaggy creature with pale skin. Plus these horrifying scars. Oh, yeah, we have opposite personalities by the way. Kind-hearted, well-balanced, hilarious and dreamy Tetsuo and introverted, bad-tempered, angry Shika. Somewhere in the universe, there's obviously been a mistake since we're together.

- You're looking at them again, - he states, turning me to him.

- Maybe they'll disappear from my obliterating gaze, - I'm joking.

- Come on, they're not that bad.

Tetsuo smiles and scratches my hair. I dodge and notice:

- Is that the reason you never touch them?

Sounds like an accusation. Maybe that's it, I haven't decided yet.

- I'm just afraid of hurting you, - Tetsuo explains calmly.

- Sure. I'm sorry.

I kiss him and go to the room. My boyfriend is clearly not responsible for the fact that I was almost killed by a ghoul. The person responsible for it is dead.

- I'm gonna be late for work today, Tetsuo says from the bathroom. Chief asked for help with the inventory.

Well, apparently, I need to stay late at work too. However, today I have the day off. It has been a week and a half since Shinohara-san was in the hospital, and today he is being discharged. All this time, I've been genuinely trying to be nice and nice to Juuzou, trying to get started and have a conversation, even bringing him cakes a couple of times. The last were a bribe, actually. He was astonishing and the busy for a couple of hours. The rest of the time the communication was going on... Well... now I know how to dismember the ghoul so that it remains conscious. Something like this.

I have some difficulties with a person who first tells you stories in the spirit of the movie «The Texas Chainsaw Massacre», and after a second loses all interest in you, says that you bore him, and singing, goes about his business. You exhale, thinking you're free for the day and you can work in peace. And he comes back in half an hour, and starts rolling around the office in a chair, strangely giggling.

I put on jeans and a blue T-shirt, putting my legs in my favorite sneakers. Since today is my day off, I won't wear my casual and annoying office clothes. Peach is spinning around, demanding attention. I rub it under my chin, then I head for the corridor. As I pass the bathroom where the shower is noisy, I say goodbye to Tetsuo and, putting on a black jacket, close the door behind me.

I have to go about twenty minutes to reach my work. This was one of the reasons I moved here. Earlier the apartment belonged to my grandmother, who worked in CCG as a psychotherapist. Very necessary position, considering how often investigators lose their partners, limbs and other values, which can not be handled alone. It was said that Grandma Katherine was an expert at helping people cope with PTSD. I'm happy to confirm that, after my mother died, she's the one who brought me to my feet. For her I was the last patient, she quit CCG and moved with my grandfather to Okinawa. After all, I lost my mom and my grandmother lost daughter. That's probably why she was a bit unhappy when I went to the academy. However, when it became clear that I would not be an investigator, everyone calmed down.

The office is quiet, which means Suzuya is not at work. Amazing, isn't it? There's only one Takizawa here who, as usual, has no idea where Juuzou is. At least I know that Amon-san and his new ward and Hoji-san will be back soon. They have an important announcement for us, and that can only mean one thing: Our department has been given a new ghoul, and we all have to work together again. I can imagine how excited Takizawa is.

- Strange that you don't know where your new friend is, - Seidou says mockingly as I sit at my desk and fire up my computer.

- We have an open relationship, - i'm saying. - And if you're gonna be sarcastic, I'll take you to some adult institution on your next assignment.

- So funny, - he replies gloomy.

I got that he doesn't like Juuzou. There are a few people like him. I'm still trying to get used to him.

It is not long to wait, but this atmosphere of silent makes me tired. I'll have to talk to Takizawa. After all, I didn't choose a partner. But that's all later. Because now, as the door opens, Shinohara-san enters the office and Juzo looms behind him. I'm really glad to see the mentor's healthy intact again. Oh, I'm glad to see both of them in that case. I'm bursting with questions so I start to ask Shinohara-san about everything.

- How do you feel? Don't you have trouble walking? Were you discharged early? Are you sure everything is okay?

He laughs and tries to answer all of them, but not to forget about Juuzou, who's trying to demonstrate me his new album. In the bizarre colors there is drawn... something. The mentor, standing behind now, is trying to give me gestures. Ah!

- What a beautiful giraffe, Juuzou, - I say and with a satisfied grin I exhale lightly. Guessed.

At least he didn't dump the album in the nearest ditch. Strangely, Suzuya's bragging about his drawing to me is suddenly a pleasure. However, he hurries with him to Seido, and everything becomes clear.

- Shika, before we start discussing the new case... - starts Shinohara-san and immediately stops talking. I'm looking at my mentor. He looks very excited. - Just know, I tried to say no.

Why? What's so bad about this case? I have to work with Juuzou more than usual? It's okay, I'll handle somehow.

- But don't worry, we'll have backup, - he said immediately, patting me on the shoulder. Seems like..

- What does it mean? - I ask cautiously, looking at Shinohara-san.
He just shook his head. It doesn't seem. He's careful not to look me in the eyes.

- It seems Takizawa needs help, - notes the mentor. Seriously? Changing the subject?
I have to use all my willpower not to burst with questions. Instead, I turn my back on Seidou and grinning Suzui.

- Juuzou, show me the picture again, please - I ask, squeezing out the smile.

The rest of the time we focus on discussing his favorite colors. Unilaterally. When Shinohara-san says it's time to go to the conference room, I'm already very excited, I've had a lot of theories on my mind. Along the corridor we walk silently, and it only makes it worse. It seems as if a stone the size of a truck fell on the shoulders. Suzuya is talking about something, but I ain't listening. I guess I should have answered because he is scowling and making a disgruntled grimace. Nothing, I'll apologize later. Again.

Khoji-san is waiting for us in the conference room, later Amon-san and Mado-san join us. However, the meeting is not beginning, and I recall that we are still waiting for someone. Honestly, I'm trying to sit on a chair, but I can't, so I jump up and start pacing. Suzuya, who is piled up on the table, definitely ignores me.

The door opens, and a person appears in the hall, who I didn't expect to see at all. I freeze abruptly and, forgetting the rules of decency, I exclaim amazingly.

- Sempai!

There's a crazy thought in my head, but it can't be. It just cannot.

When all of us except Juuzou take our sits Shinohara-san stays standing. I'm looking at Ui Koori, who is sitting in the next chair, but his face is impenetrable.

- As you already know, we have been assigned a new investigation, - the mentor starts and hands Takizawa a stack of folders. He hands them to the others. - We'll be handling the S-rank ghoul case.

I look at the papers in my hands.

- By nickname...

Nicknamed «Claw».

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