A dinner with Kim Seok Jin

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She was apprehensive about the idea of being drawn. Most of the armies have a bias and she is not different, if she could choose of course it would be Suga, but she can't and now she is nervous. With her personality, she would be comfortable around Suga, but now, she doesn't know what is going to happen with any of the others.

Her parody was with Filter, her family loved it, they learned how to sing and all, everybody was really happy for her, because she had been crazy about them since she was a teenager. When she was eighteen and people asked her what she would like to be after college she answered with no doubt "Suga's wife", well jokes apart of course.

In the midst, our idol was getting ready, receiving instructions from the staff, and meeting the woman who would be responsible for them after the recording crew went home. Yeah, everybody with a babysitter till the end of the night, our "worldwide handsome" member was excited like a child to meet the army. He had been looking forward since the beginning of the contest and visited the team to see some videos several times. In about ten minutes she would arrive, the set was ready, and he was thinking about the guys, were they excited too?

When she arrived at the restaurant, they asked her to wait. Her member would be waiting up at the lobby, she should wait for the call. The host asked her some questions, she felt very emotional, she couldn't cry, she needed to be strong, but she was feeling a lot of emotions right now. If she just could stop the time, oh god, what was that, her body was on fire, was she dying?

1,2,3, go. She went up the way and as soon she looked up, she saw him, radiant with flowers on his hands. Kim Seok-jin. She knew for sure; that the night would be fun. The vision was indescribable, what a handsome man.

When he saw the army, he let scape an "I'm screwed", and opened one more button of his shirt, the staff next to him said "What?", he nodded that he said nothing. How beautiful is she? 1.60 tall (5 feet), long black hair tied up in a ponytail, fair skin, thin lips drawing a beautiful smile. When she got closer, he saw her almond eyes, they're breathtaking. She was wearing a chain earring and a charming choker thin white necklace. A very nice makeup. She has a unique style. She was wearing overalls, the down part was a skirt, it was light jeans, inside she was wearing a white BTS short blouse with no sleeves, showing her waist, a short shaft boot with high heels and when she finally got close he could feel an amazing fruity perfume.

"Hi, army. These flowers are for you."

"Thank you." she looked at him, and suddenly all that fear went away, she felt, secure.

"Let's go, it's this way, please." such a gentleman.

The crew were always with them, she felt like in a reality show, that part was strange, she was told that half an hour of the dinner would be recorded, and they received a lot of rules, what or what not to say during this time, very complicated, of course, they can edit the video, but she is a very outgoing and spontaneous person, and limits it's very complicated for her.

They sat and Jin started the conversation.

"So, welcome to our dinner, and congratulations on your parody, I'm looking forward to listening to it."


"What's your name?"

"I'm Ji-Yeon."

"It's an honour to meet you."

"It's an immense honour to meet you Jin, you have no idea how happy I am right now."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Seoul."

"That's nice, how old are you?"

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