Fuck. I still love her and I don't know if it'll ever stop. Five minutes in her arms and all those stupid thoughts I thought I've started overcoming are racing back into my head. Memories, associations, old wishes I thought were long gone. Physical reactions to her being near me. And my heart clenching and tensing up, aching because of everything I've put it through, every time I've broke it for her, always for her.
- 31.10.2023
Kleines Geschreibsel
NezařaditelnéKennt ihr diese kleinen Schreibattacken, in denen ihr eine Idee habt, die ihr unbedingt in Worte fassen wollt, aber für eine ganze Geschichte oder einen längeren Text reicht es nicht? Alles das, was dabei bei mir herauskommt (und nicht viel zu pers...