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Your favorite insect was
Always dragonflies,
You also liked dolphins
But loved your family

Every dragonfly that lands
On me reminds me of your
Your hug
Your love.

Even thought we never
Visited you often enough,
I love you
Miss you
Long for you to still be here
With us.

My regret for not visiting you
Enough will always scar my
Heart, your dragonflies will
Always help me love that scar

You were taken to the stars
So fast, I couldn't say goodbye
Not enough time to say I love
You too

Your dragonflies will always
Be loved by your family, no matter
What realm your in, your dragonflies
Always remind us of
Your love,
Your laughter,
Our memories together,
And your last breath with your

We miss you,
But your dragonflies tell
Us you miss us to.

Total word count: 144

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