✧Chapter 3✧

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Dawn looked around at the terrifying view. She couldn't believe it was happening again. As soon as she saw Kestrel fighting with two wolves she ran straight to them faster than she ever ran to help the only wolf alive that cared for her. She went for the smaller enemy, the one she could actually handle, and pinned him to the ground. She grabbed the scruff of his neck but before she could do some damage the wolf lifted himself up, shook the wolfess off his back and bit her foreleg.

„Isn't our old territory good enough for you?" Alpha growled at the Thornpack Alpha a few wolf jumps away.

„No territory is enough for us until you get out of these lands!" Maple growled back.

Alpha looked around at his pack. Thornpack was still too much for them and he knew it. As Dawn cought a glimpse of the wolf's expression, she knew what he was thinking.

„So if we left completely, would you let us be?" he asked. Maple stopped baring his teeth and started at him for a moment. Then he howled and his pack stopped fighting at once.

„Yes. Just get out of our sight and you'll be ok," he answered finaly.

„Deal?" Alpha put his right paw in front of Maple.

„Deal," the Thornpack Alpha put his paw on the Fieldpack Alpha's paw, simbolizing a promise.

Alpha howled, turned around and once again led his pack away from their territory. When Dawn glanced at her cousins they both had an unpleasant expresion on their faces. They weren't happy they were beaten again.

The pack walked through the forest. Alpha was at the lead and he didn't let anyone near him, not even Kestrel. It was a long journey and that wasn't even all. They had to walk for many days to leave Thornpack's lands. Once the sun started rising, the pack found a place to rast for a bit. After they woke up, they started traveling again. It continued like this for the whole day.

Dawn stopped when they were walking along a gorge with a huge raging river at the bottom. What is that? She pricked her ears and stood still as a rock, falling behind the rest of the pack. Kestrel noticed shortly after. Firstly a rustling of the undergrowth, then birds and other prey running away, then loud sounds of something running through the forest. The whole pack was listening by now. The ground was shaking and they started searching for a place to hide.

Too late. A giant animal has ran from the bushes. A beast with big sharp teeth and claws and a mascular figure known as a big claw. Chaos took over the place the moment the beast saw Fieldpack. Survival was the most important thing at the moment and every wolf, even the loyal Omega who was missing a leg was fighting for their life. Big claw was slashing with it's claws and snapping with it's jaws everywhere but it was too slow for the wolves who were all performing high effort acrobatic tricks to escape from the beast's weapons.

Dawn jumped at it's back, but the it shook her off and she fell to the ground. To her horror it turned around and stood up on all fours, preparing to strike a deadly blow. Dawn closed her eyes, ready for anything to come. But then she smelled a familiar scent. She opened her eyes.

Wind was standing in front of her, growling at the monster. Then he swiftly jumped forward and pushed the beast into the gorge. Unfortunatly, even despite Dawn's attemt to catch him, he couldn't hold on to anything and fell down into the raging river too. They both disappeared under the water surfase and the pack gathered at the edge. Swift was the most terrified one of them all, eyes wide, fur bristling, tears dropping from his eyes.

„No...” she heard him whisper. His brother, his only family member left except Dawn had sacrificed himself to save his cousin. Dawn was shocked too. She never believed Wind actually carred for her until today, his last day.

The pack mourned the loss, by howling to Moon and it was then that Dawn realizes that the prophecy that Alpha recieved could not be fulfilled. Unless Wind wasn't a part of it. Unless someone else was supposed to take his place. Maybe sending a big claw to get rid of him was Moon's way of telling Alpha he picked the wrong wolf. But as the one who looked after all wolves and protected them, he would surely care about Wind too. Or perhaps his life didn't matter at all. It wasn't important at the moment. There was only seven of them now and everyone was aware of it.

They settled down to rest again but Dawn thought it would be a good idea to go talk with Swift, who was still crying.

„Swift, I'm so sorry for your loss..."

„Leave me alone!" Swift growled at the wolfess. He looked furious and like he was at the verge of falling appart. He didn't even give Dawn a chance to talk back before he growled again: „It's all your fault! If he didn't come to save your butt, he would still be alive!"

„I-I didn't know he was going to-"

„Don't even try to explain! You know what I'm saying is true, you're useless! Wind was way more valuable than you, YOU should have fallen into the river!" he cut her off. The raging flames in his eyes softened and he strated crying even harder but he was still barring his teeth.

„Swift, stop," said a different voice from behind Dawn. She turned around to see Alpha. He continued: „His death isn't anyone's fault, especially not Dawn's."

With heavy breaths Swift crouched down and tears kept falling from his eyes. Dawn stepped forward and tried to comfort him but he didn't let her near him. So she walked away to Kestrel and looked behind herself before laying next to her mother and eventualy falling asleep.

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