✧Chapter 12✧

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Rain sat in the camp clearing, waiting for Star to finish her job. He heard pawsteps coming from the den and he looked over there. It was Dawn, who came carrying a piece of moss in her mouth. She came to the pond and submerged the moss into the water. When she took it out, it was soaking wet and she carried it back to the den. A while later it was Star who came out first and Dawn followed her again. Alpha was in the clearing and looked at them as they came closer and stopped in front of him. Star encouragingly glanced down at Dawn, who was shorter than her tall, sleek body and she took a deep breath.

„Alpha," she started talking, „I wish to become a healer, if you accept it."

Alpha stared at her in shock and then looked at Star. „That would mean less hunters."

„And less deaths from injuries and diseases. I always bring the least prey into camp and I figured I could use my help somewhere else. I found out healing is what I'm supposed to do and what I'm good at. I could actually be useful and help packmates in need. Plus, since I've already lived all my life as a hunter, I have atleast some fighting and hunting skills that could be used in harsh times. Please Alpha, I really want to our pack's healer, Star isn't going to be here next time to save us. She will give me training and leave," Dawn despretaly begged him.

„She's right, she's miserable at hunting," said Swift out of nowhere. Rain didn't see him coming but now he was standing next to his cousin and the mysterious white she-wolf.

„She showed sone great potential while being with me. She was really helpful while treating Kestrel and she's learning quickly," said Star.

Alpha sighed and looked at all three of them. „Sure, you can become a healer. But under one condition. You will fight for your pack if needed."

„Thank you, Alpha, I promise you won't regret this decision! I will do anything for Fieldpack's safety," Dawn said thankfuly and her eyes shone with excitement. Star nodded to her and she led her to the hunters' den where Storm was. Alpha entered his den to be with Beta and Swift walked up to Rain.

„Uh, hey Rain. I was wondering if you'd help me with something," he said.

„What is it?" asked Rain.

„Since Dawn is now being trained to be a healer, I was thinking it would be great to build her own den where she can have a storage of herbs and she could treat wolves in there. So, if you're not feeling especially sick, could you help me building it?" Swift replied.

„Of course, I'll help you," Rain said. Swift led him to an empty space in the camp and started gathering moss and sticks. After some digging and building, they were done before Star and Dawn came from the hunters' den. They probably had a lot of work to do with Storm and when they left the den, they both looked exhausted.

„Dawn!" Swift called out to his cousin when she appeared in the clearing. „Come here, we have made something for you."

Dawn and Star padded up to them and stared at the den. „W-what... This is... for me?" she stuttered.

„It's better to seperate the sick from the healthy wolves. We will help you bring Storm and Omega here, Beta too if needed and you can take care of them from here," Rain told her and made her eyes shine with happiness and pride.

Rain carried Storm, who even despite Star's care still looked horrible, and Swift carried Omega. They set up nests from them and the two ill wolves quickly fell asleep. Rain's stomach pain suddenly got a lot worse though and he recieved his own nest in Dawn's new den too. Meanwhile Swift went to Alpha's den to potentialy bring Beta, the two healers put all their herbs in one place and started curing all three of their patients.

„Beta is staying in Alpha's den. He said she doesn't need to move here with all of you just because she is sick," Swift said from the den entrance and slowly came in. Dawn looked uncertain and confused. She was probably scared that her mother would die because of Alpha's stupid orders. Rain also wasn't too pleased with these news. Especially these past days, Alpha's been acting selfishly and only seemed to really care about himself or his mate.

„Raven is just like that sometimes," Rain spat, purposly saying their leader's real name. He was less and less worthy of his title by everyday that passed and Rain was less willing to accept him as his Alpha.

Swift came to sit next to Dawn and Star looked concerningly at his still mangled tail.

„Where'd you get this?" he asked him about the origin of his injury.

„Oh, it's nothing, it just got crushed by some rocks," he answered.

„How long ago was it?"

„I would say like, four days now?" he answered again.

„Oh dear, I can see it's full of infection. I don't think this can be saved anymore," Star said, concerned about his health.

„What do you mean by that?" Swift's face suddenly darkened.

„I mean that we should get rid of it."

„WHAT?! I'm not going to give my tail up because a complete stranger is telling me that it's infected! I still don't even know if I can trust you with training my cousin and you want to rip my tail off?" he lashed out at her and bared his teeth. Rain haven't seen him this angry in a long time.

„Just the tip of it. And it is for your own good," the white she-wolf said calmly.

„No! I'm not gonna let you take even a hair out of my tail!" he spat at her.

„Swift, please... Trust me, it's for your health..." Dawn begged him to stop growling.

„But I don't trust her!"

„Then trust me. I promise, it will help you. Storm has infection in her body and it caused her some problems. Her illness is worse because of it!"

Rain was shocked with this information and started worrying for her even more than before.

„Ugh... Fine... I will go through it. Thanks for beating some sence into me Dawn, I really needed it." he said, looking quilty.

„We'll do it as soon as soon as we can, for now, we still have to take care of the sick. Swift, please take this moss and go get water for them, will you?" Star asked and Swift nodded and walked out of the den.

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