✧Chapter 6✧

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Swift and Dawn padded across the clearing, the sun warming their backs. Dawn looked at her cousin who only turned his head away. Dawn looked down at her paws. They entered the forest and soon returned to the pack. Kestrel seemed to have a panic attack and Alpha stood by her, providing her comfort. As soon as the two showed up, she lifted her head, smiled and ran to Dawn.

„Where have you been? We were looking for you!" she furiously licked her daughter's fur.

„We fell into some underground cave system. I'm so happy to see you again," Dawn answered and licked Kestrel.

Swift just walked away and sat down to lick his tail. Kestrel glanced at him and as soon as she saw his mangled tail, her face turned terrified. Dawn came up to him to try and comfort him again, only to be greeted by a growl and bared teeth snapping right in front of her face. She pulled back.

„Chill out, Swift."

„Leave me alone!"

„I just wanted to say thanks you, for, you know, saving me from that fall back there in the cave."

„It was nothing. You saved my tail, without you, I would still be trapped there," he said with an unpleasant face. He was grateful for Dawn's good deed but didn't want to show it. Their conversation continued in a few moments of silence until Dawn decided to speak.

„I'm sorry for what happened... With Wind and the big claw. I didn't expect it or want it, it was all just so fast. I tried to catch him and-"

„I know. I just miss him. Please leave me alone now, will you?"

Dawn nodded and walked away to meet with Kestrel again. She was standing there the whole time, leaving the two some room to sort things out. They walked to Alpha's nest where he was already laying and Kestrel invited Dawn to lay down with them.

„R-really? I'm allowed to?" she looked at Alpha who only nodded in agreement.

„Of course, it's big enough for all three of us. Plus, I need to talk with you," her mother answered.

So they layed down onto the soft moss that Stump brought earlier.

„So, we want to tell you something."

Dawn's heart immediatly fastened it's beating and she got scared of what she was about to hear. It was then that she noticed, Kestrel's belly seemed rounder than before. Was it real or just Dawn's imagination? She looked at it again and yes, it was very real.

Could it really be? I-is she...

„You're going to be a big sister! Well, half sister. But that doesn't really matter," Kestrel said with a joyful face and a little laugh.

„What?! You're having pups?"


„B-but, what about dad? Do you not love him anymore?" Dawn protested.

„Dear, your father is gone now. I know you miss him, I do too, but we have to move on. It's best for the pack and you will have some more friends to be with," Kestrel tried calming her.


Dawn didn't know what to think about this. It felt wrong and unloyal to her father but Kestrel was right. It was for the pack, more wolves means a stronger pack but she herself would not be able to hunt or fight for some time and she and the pups were in great danger. She was afraid for her mother's well being but she couldn't think about anything anymore. Her tiredness took control of her and she fell asleep with the setting sun in Alpha's nest.

When Dawn opened her eyes, she was sitting between two wolves, both taller than her and both completely black with white eyes. They were staring in front of them. It was night time and the full moon shone in it's full glory. A white shining figure appeared in front of her and started walking closer to them. The two wolves next to Dawn stepped back and once the figure came right in front of her, it stretched it's head forward to lick her nose and then nodded and dissapeared. Dawn stood completely still the whole time as if all the fear in her faded away.

Dawn opened her eyes slowly. She was still laying in Alpha's nest with both him and Kestrel sleeping beside her. She felt warmth surrounding her and it felt like she belonged, like this was her family. But Raven, well, Alpha was never a part of her family and they weren't blood related. Or were they? No. It wasn't possible. She looked around the camp to see everyone was luckily there. Rain was close to Storm but Stump and Swift were all alone one opposite sides of the clearing.

Her peaceful dream left her thinking what it meant. The usually anxious and nervous she-wolf was completely calm, even when an unknown wolf came up to her and licked her nose. It was very strange for her but she was satisfied with having a calm dream instead of a nightmare or no dream at all. But something left her unsure. Who were those black figures by her sides? And why didn't they even look at her?

She stood up carefuly to not wake Alpha and Kestrel up and stretched her legs. She yawned while doing so. Rain and Storm were already awake and having a conversation. This was a very rare event since Rain didn't talk much with anyone except Storm. The last time she saw this happen was with Alpha after Wind's death. She sat down and started cleaning her cream fur from the mud that has already dried up. All she could do was wait for the rest of the pack to wake up.

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