✧Chapter 8✧

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The pack continued their journey to find a new home. Dawn became more self concious after embarassing herself in front of the pack and tried to be on her best behaveour, especially in front of Alpha and Kestrel. She thought that her mother has betrayed her father who has been long gone but other than that, she felt that she was about to get replaced. After all, who would want a small and weak daughter when the have fresh new puppies to give their love to along with a new mate? Durring the journey Dawn and Kestrel haven't talked together at all and Dawn gather spent the time with Swift who had an even worse expirience. He lost everyone, his mother, his father and his brother. The only one he had left was Dawn and without her help, he would fall down a path of loneliness and hate towards his own pack.

While having a small race ahead of the pack, Dawn and Swift found a giant valley flooded with sunshine. It was a beautifull view. Rain was the first to make it to them and all three stood in front of the valley and stared at it in it's full glory. Once the rest of the pack arrived, Rain spotted a hole on the edge of the forest that was surrounded with trees from one side and ferns from the other. There was a stream of water running from the forest to a small pond in the middle of the clearing . It was the perfect place for a camp but they still had to search it for scents in case someone else lived there.

„Let's go and investigate it here, if you find any suspisious scents, tell me immediatly," Alpha said.

He slowly entered the hole followed by his pack and started sniffed the place. The rest of the pack did the same thing. All they found were years old fox scents that were washed away by the smell of water. If anything lived here, it was a long time ago. Everyone knew what this meant.

„It is clear, no one lives here now. From now on, this is our new camp!" Alpha proudly announced and puffed out his chest. At this moment, Dawn realized that he had a scar on it, which was normaly hidden by his black fur but now showed itself. It was probably from a previous battle.

Dawn watched Alpha as everyone he went to go build a den. He chose a spot on the edge of the clearing where there was already a small hole dug up, propably by those foxes and together with Kestrel he started gathering sticks, leaves, moss and mud to create their nest. Then she felt Swift bumping into her with his shoulder.

„Aren't you excited? We finaly got away from Thornpack and found a brand new camp to live in. We can finaly live in peace!" he said with an overly excited voices.

„There can still be other packs around here that could be a threat to us, we need to be caucious," she replied, trying to sound wiser than him but deep down she was also happy, just like him.

Everyone started working on their dens. The hunters made a big one for everyone to fit in and Omega had a small shelter off by the side. They got fresh moss for their nests and Swift already managed to pull up a prank on Dawn, putting thorns and sharp sticks in her's. Later, Dawn decided to ask Alpha to speak with him and he sent out a patrol to go investigate the valley that their camp was located in.

„So, why are you here Dawn?"

„I think Rain was right about Swift being the last prophecised wolf. It makes the most sence, did you see him running down the hill? He was incredibly fast!" Dawn answered. Now that she and Swift became closer, she was fine with him being a part of the prophecy. She understood that he had it hard and they both apologized and forgave each other.

„Yes, I did see him. I must agree with you, I too think Rain's idea was correct. We just have to wait and see was Swift will live up to be like. After all, you two and Rain were the ones to find this valley and our new camp."

„You mean... That this is..."

„Yes, this is the Sunrise valley, I'm completely sure, meaning you three should be the prophecised wolves," Alpha replied before she could even finish her sentence.

It started ringing in Dawn's head and she could've sworn she heard the whispers of thousands of voices say: „Follow your destiny, Dawn."

„Are you alright, Dawn?" Alpha brought her out of her trance.

„Huh? O-oh, yes, I am. Am I allowed to go now?" she asked.

„Yes, you may go."

Dawn nodded and left his den to go to the big one. The sun was already on it's way down across the sky and she wanted to take a quick nap before the patrol came back. But not before she put a dead rat she quickly caught into Swift's nest. She layed down and closed her eyes. Some time later the group came back with ever some food in their mouths. Dawn watched as Swift came to rest in his nest and at the right time, she mimiced a rat hissed and Swift noticed the dead body in the moss. He got freaked out and jumped out of his nest. Dawn just laughed.

When the sun has set, they all gathered in a circle around the pond and howled at the moon, giving their thanks to Moon for saving them and leading them to safety. Once again, Dawn felt the presence of a spirit howling with them. And not only one, there were atleast seven additional voices that only she could hear. But when she opened her eyes, she was shocked. She could see them howling too.

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