✧Chapter 15✧

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The rustling of the bushes continued and Rain stood protectively in front of Dawn. He dropped the rabbit in his jaws and drew back his lips in an aggresive growl.

„Show yourself!"

A paw came out of the bushes, then a snout, then the whole head and eventualy a whole wolf of a reddish brown color was looking at them. And then two more, one was silver and the other was dark brown. The two groups were staring at each other, Rain and Swift still growling.

„What are you doing here, outsiders?" Rain growled again.

„Woah, woah, slow down. We're not here to cause any troubles or anything, just hunting," said the red one.

„On OUR territory! Didn't you smell the scent marks idiots?" growled Swift, even more aggresivly than Rain.

„Oh, scent marks? I guess we kind of missed them. We'll just go if we're bothering you-" the outsider looked stunned and confused.

„No, tresspassers have to be dealt with properly," snarled Swift again, getting ready to jump on the wolf in the front, who was also actually the smallest one of the group, when Dawn stopped him.

„Swift, no. Let them tell us who they are," she said politely and Swift stepped back looking away guiltly.

„Uhmmm, okay. I'm Thunder. This is Mist," he pointed towards the silver she-wolf with a cardinal feather on her ear, „and this is Hawk," he said, looking at the dark brown wolf, who was the biggest from the group.

„I'm Dawn, that's Swift, my cousin and this is Rain," Dawn said and looked off to the side, looking unsure about what to do. Then she turned back to the group of outsiders and spoke, „Would you like to join our pack?"

„Dawn, are you serious?" Rain quietly growled.

„Rain, you know we need more wolves. Plus, just when we were walking out of camp, you complained about having too much work!" she told him back.

„Yeah, but they could attack us and maybe even defeat us. This is a very big risk you're taking," he said wisely.

„They won't do that, I'm sure of it," Dawn said and looked back at the outsiders, „So?."

„Uhmmm... We need to think about it," said Thunder and turned to Mist and Hawk. They started whispering something to each other and Rain could catch some parts of their conversation.

„How can we trust them?" said Hawk.

„It could be interesting. I'm tired of always moving, maybe we could try pack life," answered Mist.

„I still have doubts about this," he protested.

„I say that we should atleast try it. What can go bad?" Thunder said and turned to Dawn. „Okay, we'll go with you."

„I wonder if Alpha is even going to accept you. But if you insist, let's go then," Rain told them, grabbed his catch and waited for the outsiders to go forward so he could go to the end of the group.

Swift was leading them to camp, Thunder, Mist and Hawk were in the middle and Rain with Dawn at the tail. They walked through the forest back the way the have came and entered the fields, where Dawn found more herbs to collect. Upon entering the camp, Alpha greeted the in the clearing with a hostile look and a threatening growl.

„Who are they?" he asked angrily.

Rain stepped forward, dropping his rabbit on the ground. „This is Thunder, Mist and Hawk. They would wish to join our pack if it is possible."

„Hmmmm... If they really want to join, they have to prove they are worthy," Alpha announced.

„What does that mean?..." Thunder said, visibly getting confused.

„One of you has to fight me. Only then I can accept you in. Choose who it will be and choose wisely," he looked at him with a challenging look.

„Fight?" Mist said, gazing at her friends.

„I'll go. You don't have to worry, I'll earn our place here for you," said Hawk. The brown wolf seemed to have issues with trusting Fieldpack, but once his friends decited to join, he was willing to fight to earn Alpha's place. Rain was fascinated by his ambition to help his friends.

Alpha and Hawk circled around each other for a while just like Rain did with Alpha after Storm's death. Then the black wolf jumped on the brown one and so their battle began. Alpha slashed Hawks shoulder with his claws, to which he bit his back leg. For a short time they faught until Hawk threw himself at Alpha and bit his neck. The black wolf shook him off himself and they stood still, staring into each other's eyes. Alpha smiled, still panting from the fight.

„A strong one after all, I see. All three of you are now a part of the pack, but you still have to earn my trust," he said and turned away.

„You had fought really well, Hawk!" Dawn praised him, „But you still have some cuts. Come with me, I'll fix you up," she led Hawk into her den and they both disappeared in the enterance.

Rain sat in the clearing after bringing his rabbit to the pile together with Swift, who sat next to him. Thunder and Mist came up to them and awkwardly looked at each other.

„Come sit with us, if you want," Rain noticed the two newbies and invited them to sit down, which they both did.

„So, I'm still confused. What are you three? A small pack with only three members?" Swift asked them.

„I wouldn't say we're a pack. We don't have an Alpha or an Omega. We all have equal rights and rank. I would call it a group of outsiders," replied Thunder.

„Oh, I see."

„Also, what is Dawn's rank? How is she fixing Hawk up? Why was she carrying plants? Does she eat them?" he asked curiously.

„Oh, no no no. She is our healer."

„Healer? I never heard of that."

„Maybe because she's the first one. But honestly, I don't know if there's another one somewhere in another pack. After all, Dawn was trained by Star, an outsider like you. So she's deffinitly not the first healer ever," Swift said.

„Ooooooooh, that makes sence."

They spent the rest of the day hunting again and Rain with Swift showed Thunder, Mist and Hawk all the good hunting spots. By the end of the day, they ate their catch and the newbies had to learn the chaoting way of a pack eating their prey. Rain and Swift then helped them make their own nests in the hunters' den and they all fell asleep.

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