✧Chapter 4✧

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„Dawn, Rain, come with me," Alpha called to the two.

„So... What now?..." Dawn whispered, still shaken by the death of her cousin. After what Swift said, she started thinking if it was really her fault.

„Wind isn't a part of the prophecy. Or the vision wasn't real and we're all doomed to perish," said Alpha.

„Do you think Moon isn't real ?" Rain protested. The wise wolf was a strict believer of their protector and refused to insult him in any way. Dawn never knew why, he hasn't told anyone except Storm. She found the two very similar and Storm would be the one Rain would always be resting next to. Maybe they were family or really close friends, either way, Storm was closer to Rain than anyone else.

„We don't know if he even exists or not. He might just be a fairytale."

„Don't you remember what happened?"

„I wasn't there! I don't have any evidence he is real and the vision might have been just a product of my imagination. Other than that, if the famous protector of all wolves is real, why would he let this happen?"

„He cannot control other animals, especially not beasts like big claws!"

Dawn took a few steps back. She was looking from one wolf to another and felt really anxious. She always wanted the pack to at least be nice to each other and not start arguments. She also wasn't very good at fighting, she would rather help wolves than hurt them. She believed that all wolves should be together on one side and not be devided into packs with strict rules and systems. Her head started spinning around and she couldn't stand straight. The wolfess fell to the ground and closed her eyes, fighting the headache that was storming like a raging tornado in her head.

„Dawn?" Alpha turned around and noticed the her laying on the ground. He got closer to her, followed by Rain and started talking to her: „Are you alright? Look at me."

Dawn could barely hear him but she managed to pick up most of what he was saying. She never saw him being so worried about any specific wolf other than Kestrel. She opened her eyes and looked at him. Now that the wolves weren't fighting anymore, the pain in her head started to go away.

„Tell me what happened," Alpha continued.

Dawn tried to stand up and with the help of the two older wolves, she was on her paws again. She felt much better and was able to explain why she fell.

„It was... A headache," she said, still shocked.

„It's fine now, you're alright," Alpha was talking with a soft caring voice and didn't let Rain say a single word.

„We shouldn't argue, there's no time for it now. I suggest we all share our ideas and go with the best one," the old wolf said when he finaly got to speak. He continued: „I think we should pick the second fastest wolf in the pack, meaning Swift"

Dawn hoped she wouldn't have to hear this sencence. Swift was the last wolf she wanted to think about, he was horribly annoying, even more than his brother. Plus, he hated her now after Wind died saving her from a big claw.

„I already shared my thoughts on this," Alpha stated.

Dawn thought for a while. Then she got an idea. It wasn't the best and she surely wasn't confident at all to say it but it could still help. The two other wolves were both already looking at her, waiting for an answer.

„Uuuuh... What if Wind already fulfilled his part of the prophecy? It was about three wolves saving the pack, right? He saved us when he pushed that big claw into the river!" she said but then instantly regreted it.

Alpha and Rain thought about it for a while. Then Alpha nodded.

„We will think about it. You're both free to go, we will continue soon so get ready" he ordered.

Rain and Dawn nodded and left. As soon as Swift saw them he threw a furious look at her. She hoped that Rain's idea wasn't the correct one but at the same time she thought that her suggestion was fairly dumb and was scared of what Alpha said. Either way, she wanted to clear her mind of everything and decided to go hunting. Kestrel was laying nearby. Dawn walked up to her.

„I was thinking if we could go hunting, you know, like a mother and a daughter," she said nervously and smiled.

„Of course," Kestrel smiled and stood up.

Alpha was walking by and came up to them. He and Kestrel touched noses and the two she-wolves left.

Dawn maybe never had such a good hunt. Being with the only wolf that really liked and cared for her was awesome. Well, Kestrel wasn't the only one but all the other ones were gone. Her father and his brother, other family members she never met and now even Wind. For every moment in her life she feared that she would lose her mother too.

„This is enough, let's return," Kestrel said and started walking toward the temporary camp they've made after the accident, followed by Dawn.

Everyone got to eat atleast a little bit to gain strength again. They needed to move after all. Dawn cought a glimpse of Stump. He had the least food and looked tired. She couldn't help but feel bad for him but was too scared to do anything about it. Omegas are at the bottom, they get the least food, they get treated poorly and they need to fulfil everyone else's wishes. That was just how pack hierarchy worked and always will. But Dawn still couldn't get rid of that feeling of guilt haunting her whenever she looked at him.

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