✧Chapter 7✧

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„Dawn," a voice called her from behind her. She turned around to see Kestrel.

„Good morning," Dawn said respectfuly.

„We're setting out soon, get ready," Kestrel licked her cheek and walked past her to inform other wolves who were now all awake.

Swift was standing close to Dawn with his muddy fur and tail covered in dried blood. He was staring off into the forest and she didn't want to interupt him in his deep thinking. Storm and Rain were already one their feet and waiting for Alpha's orders. Stump was also standing, ready to leave and find a new home. Then Alpha appeared and gathered all of them together.

„We're leaving now. There won't be any more stops, so I hope you're ready," he ordered and set out of the small temporary camp.

Swift came close to Dawn. At first he seemed hesitant but then he got the confidence to speak.

„Hey Dawn, ummm... How are you doing?" he asked.

„I'm fine. I cannot wait to finaly find a new home," she answered.

„I'm sorry for being a jerk and, you know, uuuhh... Attacking you and stuff," he said while looking guilty.

„It's fine, I understand, you're going through a lot. I know that his death startled you, I know how it feels. I saw it happen right in front of my eyes. I never actually expected him to try to save me or even sacrifice himself for me. It's strange to me, I never thought you two cared about me, did you?"

„Of course I did, your my cousin, my family. I know it may didn't seem I did with how I behaved but I really did and still do. Anyway, why would I even help you in the burrow, Shortie?" he intentionaly said the last word with contrast and Dawn just snarled and let out a little amused laugh.

After walking for a while, the ground was steeper and steeper and they soon stopped. In order to cross the border, they had to go across a large hill that towered over them. After Alpha properly examined the terrain, they started going up the hill. It surely wasn't easy but also not the hardest thing they ever had to go through. Soon they were all standing on the top of the hill where the wind blowed in their fur and the rising sun shone in front of them. In that moment, Dawn saw the promising and better future that lay before them as she watched the sun during the dawn - her namesake. The beautifull scenery amazed her and surely most of the pack too were impressed by the breathtaking view.

Going down was not as hard as going up. Swift and Dawn, as the youngest members of the pack, let out their inner puppies and ran most of the way down the hill. The fact that they were running downwards gave Dawn the speed she could only dream of but she still wasn't enough for Swift, who was living up to his namesake and with his naturaly big speed combined with the gravity pulling him down looked as if he was running at an impossible speed.

The prophecy flashed in Dawn's mind while she was looking at him and she ignored all her senses to stop and think about it. It was saying that wisdom, friendship and speed were going to save the pack and seeing how incredibly fast Swift was running, she wondered if he was the last prophecised wolf instead of Wind. She dived so deep into her thoughts that she even completely stopped paying attention to the real world.

„Dawn? Helloooooo, Shortie! Can you hear me?"

When Dawn finaly came to her senses she was looking down at her paws and after turning her gaze up she saw Swift standing in front of her. She felt embarassed and quickly looked away.

„Embarassed that you zoned out in front of your whole pack?" he teased her to which she looked in the direction he was pointing to and saw the whole pack staring at her.


„Oh come on, Shortie, it's fine. Everyone sometimes drowns in their thoughts," he reassured her and started running down again.

Dawn shook it off and followed him. They were almost at the bottom of the hill and they already crossed the border at the top, so their journey to leave Thornpack's lands was basically over. Now they only needed to find a suitable place to make a camp.

After getting down the hill they took a short break to catch breath and then they set out again.

„I'm glad this journey is finaly over," Swift said and his expression darkened before he added: „but he won't be able to see our new camp..."

Dawn felt his pain and licked his nose to cheer him up. But she also felt something more. The presence of something lurking around them. However she didn't see, hear or smell anything and it seemed like the others didn't too. She looked around and sniffed the air. Still nothing. But she still felt like they weren't alone, almost as if there was a ghost haunting them. And then she heard it. A whisper that only she could hear: „Take care of him, for me."

Dawn got scared by the message but soon realized that it was a familiar voice. One that she hasn't heard since the accident. She knew it was her cousin guarding them and telling her to take care of Swift, her other cousin. She knew what she had to do and she was determined to fulfill Wind's wishes.

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