Chapter 10

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(**KAI'S POV**)

I HEAR SOMETHING... THERE'S NOISES.. Coming from where though? Some boxes fell. I can tell with my super lego senses... I wipe off dirt from an area and YES! I found a secret entrance.. Wait.. Door handle has a red like signal.. There's a bomb behind this door... Trap door hm? There has to be a real door somewhere. I know my Taleeny is there somewhere. I can sense her almost.. Almost.. Wait.. The ground... YES! THE GROUND. There's symbols. Wait, they link up. They link up... THEY LINK UP. I accelerated, moving all the pieces on the ground together. The door opens.. YES. I see it. I can feel it.

It's so dusty here.. I look around. Boxes everywhere. Must be a storage facility. It feels cold. Oddly cold. I walk around. Floor 3 hm. I walk up some stairs.. Floor 4... I continued walking... Floor 3? What.. I kept walking until I got tired. IT'S REPEATING.. IT'S A LOOP.. No... No.. It's getting colder... Where... It just keeps looping.. Floor 3, Floor 4, Floor 3, Floor 4. There's nothing in these rooms.. Wait... I rip a piece of my jacket and place it on one of the steps. I go up again.. It's not there... What... Wait... I wipe some dust off one stair and go up again. Not there.. It's not looping. It isn't? What is this.. Colder and Colder.. It's so cold.. It's getting harder to breathe. Fuck.. Where where? Where.. Is it coming from.. I need to do this fast before I...

Die. I can't. I need to save her. See her one last time. Damn it, where... Where... where... so cold... No. I can't die. I can't, I can't... Can I? No... Okay.. Focus. Where. I'm so tired... I don't know where... Where do I go? Vents... Air vent.. Yes. Okay.. I'm getting somewhere. How do I get there... Hm. Damn. It's freezing now. Icicles are forming.. The walls have areas to climb. I can do this. Okay.. just climb up. Yeah. Climb up. Damn. Okay.. No.. The vent's are screwed on.. No... Damn.. It's so fucking cold... Fuck this. I pull off the vents with raw strength and get in.. Yes.. There's heat.. Finally.. The cold's going to get in though.. I need to go quickly. Where's Taleen? This has to connect to her. These vents are so dusty.. I hear noises... Where is she... This way. This air vent is so tight. The noises.. Footsteps.. Over here.. Yes. Over there, yes... I can hear it. My elemental powers are gone... Damn it.. Wait.. I hear someone..

"Hey Horse Boy, she's here?" "yeah.. We have her. 10 mil." "Good." What the fuck... Who are they talking about? 

The Secret That Lies Between Them - Written By CBJ and SenetientWhere stories live. Discover now