Chapter 11

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.. I feel drugged. What did the man inject in me... I feel droopy.. I feel blood... from where... my arm... It's it's... MY FINGERS... WHAT HAPPENED... THEY ARE BLEEDING... NUMB.. I don't feel it... They must have given me a numbing agent. I'm stuck in a room again... What did they do to me.... I need to escape... Air vents... Air vents where are they... There yes.. I try to stand up but...

I'm drilled into the wall... My flesh is nailed down connected to the wall... So that's why they numbed me.. Blood is everywhere... I'm going to die... Blood loss...

Y'know what fuck it.. I have to escape. I pull myself from the nail screwed into me... ........ I.. I... I did it... I escaped. My entire back... I lost my flesh... I quickly take my minion cosplay and tighten up the spots with a lot of blood. My minion costume is entirely red now. You can see my flesh in my arms and legs.. I don't feel it at least... I'll be alive for now... I quickly climb up to the air vents and swiftly get in. I look back.. You can see some pieces of my flesh still stuck to the nail, just hanging off of it huh... It's okay... Wait.. I hear something in the Air Vents.. Is someone here? ... No... There can't be... I can't die here....

(**KAI'S POV**)

I HEAR SOMETHING... SOMEONE GOT IN THE VENT... OH GOD.. Okay.. Kai you got this.. You can defeat them. Okay.. I go closer to the noise..

"T-Taleeny?" "KAI!" "w-what happened to you... where's your.. flesh?" I finally found Taleen.. But.. What even happened... "T-they got me.." Then.. I understood immediately. "Come. Let's go this way." "Okay Kai.." I quickly grab Taleen and haul her over my shoulder. I've decided that I'm just going to force punch my way out of the vents. "SPINJITZU!"

The Secret That Lies Between Them - Written By CBJ and SenetientWhere stories live. Discover now