Chapter One

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Where am I being taken? I lay with my eyes closed as the hunters who created me are moving me from their lab to somewhere else.

???: "We caught a dragon belonging to the Dragon Riders. A Stormcutter."

I flinch at their voices due to the abuse I suffer from them, making my fur streaks turn purple out of fear, making them stand out against my F/C fur (or blend in, depending on the colour), and a Stormcutter is put into my cage.

Stormcutter: "Hello. What's your name?"

Y/N: "I don't have one, what's yours?"

Stormcutter: "Oh. I'm Cloudjumper. May I give you a name?"

I grunt in response.

Cloudjumper: "How about Y/N?"

I look up in surprise, my fur streaks turning brown, shocked that he actually gave me a name.

Y/N: "You actually gave me a name?"

Cloudjumper looks at me, confused.

Cloudjumper: "Of course. I said I would, didn't I?"

I stand up and walk over to him, squeezing under his wings, surprising him. I let out a cat-like purr to show my happiness, along with my fur streaks turning yellow, signaling happiness. Cloudjumper pulls me into a hug with his wings, making my fur streaks turn a little bit brown but still mainly yellow.

Y/N: "Cloudjumper...? Would you help me escape this place?"

Cloudjumper: "Of course! My friends are probably on their way here now!"

I chitter happily. Cloudjumper is nice! I hope his friends are nice too... I fall asleep slowly, wrapped in Cloudjumper's wings, as he gently hugs me.

Cloudjumper's POV

Y/N is asleep in my wings. She must trust me a lot for her to do something like this, as she was so scared earlier. I wonder if she will accept that my friends are humans... I feel Y/N shift in her sleep, so I gently pull her closer and fall asleep too, my head resting on hers, and our tails intertwining without either of us knowing.

---------------7 hours---------------


A loud bang wakes both of us up, our tails immediately separating before I notice they were intertwined. We jump onto our feet and look around. I hiss, my fur streaks turning a mixture of purple and brown, signaling fear and surprise. Seeing nothing, I begin to carefully groom my fur while keeping an eye out for danger, as it got messed up when I was asleep.

Cloudjumper: "How did you sleep?"

Y/N: "Better than I usually do. Do you think that bang could have been your friends coming to save us?"

Cloudjumper: "I don't know. I hope so."

I purr as I continue grooming myself, my fur streaks becoming yellower.

Y/N: "Cloudjumper? Can you tell me what it's like outside? I've never been outside this cage before."

Cloudjumper: "You've never been outside? Have you ever flown?"

Y/N: "No..."

Cloudjumper: "It's hard to explain, but I'm sure you'll see it soon when we are rescued."

I purred in happiness.

--------5 minutes--------

I saw two humans I've never seen before walking into the room. They looked around before noticing the cage with Cloudjumper and I inside.

Male human: "Found Cloudjumper, but it looks like there's another dragon with him."

The other human, a female, walked over to the cage. I hissed at her, my F/C fur puffing up, I crouched down into defensive posture and my fur streaks turning a deep purple.

Cloudjumper: "Y/N... these are some of the friends I was talking about."

I turned my head to face him in surprise, my fur streaks turning brown.

Y/N: "What...?"

The humans unlocked the cage, allowing Cloudjumper and I to leave. Cloudjumper bounded out of the cage immediately before turning back to look at me.

Cloudjumper: "Please follow us to our home. You will be safe there."

I hissed, puffing up my fur more, with my fur streaks turning purple. Cloudjumper sighed before walking back into the cage and picking me up by the scruff of my neck, like a mother cat picking up a kitten, making me go limp on instinct. My fur streaks turn completely brown, showing how shocked and surprised I was. Cloudjumper made a rumbling noise of amusement as the two humans looked on in surprise and amusement, as Cloudjumper carried me out of the cage.

Cloudjumper: "The male's name is Hiccup, and the female's name is Valka. Valka is Hiccup's mother, and she is my rider. Hiccup rides a night fury."

Y/N: "Your... rider?"

Cloudjumper: "She rides on my back."

Y/N: "Why didn't you tell me?"

My fur streaks turning blue and red, signaling sadness and anger. I felt betrayed. We were almost outside.

Cloudjumper: "You wouldn't have trusted me, and you needed someone you trusted. Also, can I ask about your colour changing fur streaks?"

Y/N: "They change colour depending on my emotions. Yellow means that I'm happy, red means angry, purple is fear, white means calm, orange is embarrassment, brown is surprise, and green is jealousy."

Cloudjumper: "Interesting."

We finally got outside. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I was completely awestruck, with my fur streaks turning yellow and brown. Cloudjumper put me down on the deck of the ship. I just stood there and looked around.


Y/N trusts Cloudjumper because he gave her a name.

Y/N's fur streak colors can mean different emotions, for example, if she was annoyed her fur streaks would be red, the same as if she was angry.

Cloudjumper and Y/N both enjoyed their hug.

Words: 857

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