Chapter 5

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I woke up to see Cloudjumper curled around me, asleep and looking exhausted. There was some blood around his mouth. I looked over myself and saw I that I was clean and groomed. Did Cloudjumper clean me? I wasn't sure if Cloudjumper was alright. I nudged him gently with one of my wings.

Y/N: "Cloudjumper?"

Cloudjumper's eyes shot open immediately. He saw me and made a small growl of relief, before fainting. He clearly needed sleep, so I curled into him, soon falling asleep myself. 

-----3 hours-----

Cloudjumper waking up woke me up. He looked at me, the sheer amount of worry and relief in his eyes being obvious.

Cloudjumper: "I was so worried."

He started crying, which surprised me, and buried his head into my neck fur. I let him stay there, doing my best to comfort him. After he calmed down, he pulled his head away, seemingly embarrassed about putting his head into fur neck fur.

Cloudjumper: "Sorry about that."

Y/N: "Don't worry about it, Cloudjumper. It must be comforting for you."

As I said that, I pulled his head down with my claws and licked the front of his snout gently.

Y/N: "Now we're even."

I pulled my head away and looked to the side, a bit embarrassed. Cloudjumper just stood there, stunned and slowly blushing more and more. Cloudjumper recovered soon and picked me up, making me go limp. He carried me outside to there Valka was sleeping. Cloudjumper woke her up by growling softly. 

Valka: "Ready to go?"

Cloudjumper thumped his tail against the deck of the boat, confirming her thought. She got on Cloudjumper's back and he took off. The flight back to Berk was quick, since I fell asleep on the journey. I woke up later, with some salmon near my snout and Cloudjumper wrapped around me protectively. I ate the fish eagerly, and wormed my snout under his. I fell asleep quickly. However, unknown to me, Cloudjumper was still awake.

Cloudjumper's POV

I could feel Y/N carefully push her snout under mine, her fur gently brushing against my scales. She fell asleep almost immediately. I could feel her melting into my warmth. I carefully lifted my head and licked her ear to smooth the fur down, before resting my head where it was before I lifted it. Goodnight Y/N. I love you. I fell asleep within a few minutes.

-----7 hours-----

Y/N and I were both woken up by Hiccup and Valka coming into Y/N and I's bedroom to apply medicine.

Hiccup: "Can we heal you, Y/N?"

Y/N nodded and huffed gently, signaling them to get it over with.


The ointment Hiccup and Valka put on me made my fur cold. I really want to get it out, but that would mean that they would just have to put more on. It felt really uncomfortable, so I decided to sleep. Hopefully when I wake up the ointment will be absorbed. I walked over to the rock I sleep on, flopping down and closing my eyes.

Y/N: "See you all when I wake up."

I fell asleep within 15 minutes.

-----2 hours-----

The ointment had been completely absorbed when I woke up. I felt much more comfortable. Seeing the room was empty, I walked downstairs and went outside. I saw Cloudjumper and Valka digging some holes a little bit away from their house. I went over to them, causing them to smile and stop digging when they saw me.

Y/N: "What are you doing?"

Cloudjumper: "I'm not sure. Just tilt your head in confusion at her and she'll probably explain."

I tilted my head, trying to look confused and my fur streaks turning white, signaling calmness, and as I've noticed, curiosity. 

Valka: "You want to know what we're doing?"

I nodded my head eagerly. 

Valka: "We're digging holes so that we can put seeds into them, and then we put the dirt we dug up back into the hole, so that the seed is buried."

I flicked my tail in understanding. I spent the rest of the morning helping them burying seeds.

Valka: "Lunch time."

Cloudjumper and I's heads shot up immediately. We had lost track of time, and had been playing together ever since we ran out seeds. We walked over to where Valka had brought some fish for us. I was eating my fish when Cloudjumper sat down beside me, his scales only just touching the tips of my fur. I let out a quiet purr as I continued eating. 

Cloudjumper: "I can hear you purring slightly."

Y/N: "Alright?"

Cloudjumper: "What made you purr?"

Y/N: "Being able to eat with you and Valka."

After lunch Cloudjumper and I were tired from playing and burying seeds, so we went to sleep. I curled up on his back, using my claws to fix myself in place.

Y/N: "See you when I wake up."

Cloudjumper: "See you."

Cloudjumper lay down and went to sleep as well.

-----3 hours-----

I woke up to see that Cloudjumper was still asleep. I hopped off of his back and curled up underneath his body, using him as a blanket. I fell asleep as I purred lightly.

-----1 hour-----

Cloudjumper's POV

I woke up to feel something underneath me, so I looked down to see Y/N asleep underneath me, siphoning my warmth. She was purring loudly and her fur streaks were yellow. She's happy. I woke her up, by nudging her with the tip of my snout until she woke up. 

Y/N: "Cloudjumper? What is it?"

Cloudjumper: "Do you want to go for a fly with me?"

Y/N: "Sure."


Cloudjumper and I jumped into the air, flapping our wings. We shot through the air, circling the island multiple times before landing, both of us extremely tired, on a spire of rock just off of the island.

Y/N: "That.. .was... a... good... flight."

Cloudjumper: "Yes... You have... a lot of.... stamina now."

Y/N: "Thanks. I've been flying pretty often while you're busy."

We both fell silent, captivated by each other's eyes. After a few minutes, I angled my head slightly away, blushing with my fur streaks turning bright orange. I took a glance back at Cloudjumper, who was blushing and looking away.

Y/N: "Cloudjumper?"

Cloudjumper: "Yes?"

Y/N: "I... uh... I love you..."

Cloudjumper's face lit up with joy.

Cloudjumper: "I love you too!"

We nuzzled into each other, enjoying the moment, before flying home.


Words: 1013

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