Chapter 4

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Cloudjumper POV

I woke up to see that the sun was setting. I looked around and saw Y/N cuddling into me, her claws wrapped around my body, and her body pressing against mine. She was also purring slightly. I saw that her fur streaks were a mixture of yellow and pink. What does pink mean? I'll have to ask her when she wakes up. 

Cloudjumper: "Y/N. Wake up."

Y/N started to wake up, blinking her eyes sleepily. She raised her head and looked at me.

Y/N: "What is it?"

Cloudjumper: "It's almost time for dinner."

Y/N jumped up immediately, all signs of sleepiness gone. 

Cloudjumper: "Also, your fur streaks are pink. What does pink mean?"

Y/N froze, her fur streaks turning bright orange. She is embarrassed. Y/N proceeded to say something so quietly I couldn't make out the words. What did she say? She turned her face away from me, but I could still clearly see her blush.

Y/N: "Anyway... where do we eat dinner?"

Cloudjumper: "Follow me."

I brought her to where we eat our food. She sat down next to me and waited for the food. The food was brought out quickly and we began eating.


I was eating a salmon, my favorite kind of fish, next to Cloudjumper. I was desperately pretending that the talk about my pink fur stripes didn't happen.  I was so focused on my meal and pretending that I didn't notice dinner was over.

Cloudjumper: "Y/N?"

I looked up in surprise.

Y/N: "Yes?"

Cloudjumper: "Dinner finished 15 minutes ago. Are you alright?"

Y/N: "Yes, I'm fine."

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I walked back with Cloudjumper to his and Valka's house, where I curled up against him and fell asleep quickly.

-----10 hours-----

I was woken by Cloudjumper telling me it was time for our morning fly. My fur had been groomed, probably by Cloudjumper. I went downstairs and had some salmon. After I was done, I went outside to wait for Cloudjumper and Valka.

Cloudjumper POV

Valka: "You really should confess to Y/N. Nothing good will come of hiding it."

I hummed in disagreement. Noticing this Valka sighed.

Valka: "Tell me what benefits waiting will have."

I struggled to come up with any, other than building my relationship with her, so that there would be a higher chance she would say yes. I flicked a wing at her, gesturing I would do it soon. We went outside to see Y/N already there, waiting for us. When she saw us, she did a little bounce of excitement, her fur streaks turning yellow and her claws gently clicking against the ground.

Y/N: "Finally!"

We jumped into the air, Y/N faltering a little, but steadying herself quickly. She was surprisingly graceful for a dragon new to flying. It must be because she was part cat. We flew around the island, talking. As we where nearing the side of the island opposite to the town, Y/N was shot by a dragon proof net. She let out a squeak of surprise and fear, her fur streaks turning brown and purple. Valka and I looked down to see some ships with dragon hunters on them. I flew towards Y/N falling body, but the dragon hunters shooting at us stopped us from coming closer.

Cloudjumper: "Y/N! We'll come rescue you!"

Y/N: "Please do it soon!"

I could barely hear her voice and I had to watch her fall onto one of the boats. Wow... even the way she falls injured is attractive. Valka guided me away. As I looked back sadly, I saw her thrashing wildly on the deck of the boat as the hunters hesitantly tried to move her into a cage.


I blew a stream of air against my cage lock, hoping to break it.

???: "Looks like she's back. That won't work, this cage is designed for you. Its immune to your breath."

I looked up hatefully at the speaker, my fur streaks red. My eyes widened and my fur streaks turned brown in surprise, although some red still remained. The speaker was one of the hunters who had created me, abused me and experimented on me. I growled with so much hate it surprised everyone there, myself included, with my fur streaks turning bright red.

???: "Wow. She has gotten rebellious again. We'll need to fix that."

The other hunters there nodded eagerly, laughing, and picked up their weapons.

Cloudjumper POV

Valka was explaining what had happened to Hiccup and his gang as I paced, worried for Y/N's safety.

Hiccup: "Lets go rescue her. Hold on a second. We haven't named her."

I nudged Valka, telling her that Y/N's name is Y/N. Valka understood.

Valka: "Cloudjumper says her name is... Y/N?"

I nodded in confirmation.

Valka: "Yep. Y/N."

Hiccup: "Lets rescue Y/N."

We all flew to where we last saw Y/N. In the distance we saw the hunters boats sailing away. We flew towards them, quickly defeating the hunters. I went downstairs with Valka.

Valka: "What did they do to her...?"

Valka was horrified and so was I. Y/N was extremely injured, curled into a ball on a corner, with some bloodied weapons hanging on the racks nearby. Y/N was conscious, but only just. She was trembling and whimpering uncontrollably, and her fur streaks were dark purple, almost black.

Cloudjumper: "Y/N?"

Y/N raised her head slightly to look at us, her fur streaks becoming lighter, with a slight mix of yellow. I noticed she had tears running down her face. Her head fell a moment later, her head making a small thump as she passed out. Valka and I looked at each other in horror. I realized I was crouched down, so I walked over to Y/N and groomed her, moving her fur to cover her wounds. Something was dripping onto her fur, which after investigation I discovered to be tears of my own. I curled around her, making my body a shield to protect her from anything that might harm her. Valka started to move closer, but stopped after I hissed gently at her. She understood and backed away.

Cloudjumper: "Why would they do this?"

I started to groom her again, noticing that it made her slightly calmer. Over the next couple hours, I would hiss at any living thing, friend or not, that came anywhere near Y/N and I, determined to protect her. I groomed her without stopping throughout this entire process.


Y/N finds being groomed extremely calming.

Hiccup and Fishlegs wanted to treat Y/N's wounds but Cloudjumper didn't let them get close.

Cloudjumper will try not to unwrap himself from Y/N or let his guard down until it is safe to carry her back to Berk.

Cloudjumper would protect Y/N with his life if anything threatened her while she was recovering.

Cloudjumper's tongue is bleeding from the amount of grooming he was doing, but he doesn't care.

Words: 1098

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