Chapter 6

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Once we landed, we both walked over to Valka, making sure our wings were touching. When we got to Valka, Cloudjumper shyly nudged her with his snout, surprising her since he was doing it shyly. She looked up at Cloudjumper, looking a bit confused.

Valka: "Cloudjumper? What is it?"

Cloudjumper used one of his wings and his snout to gesture at me and then at him. Valka still looked confused for a moment, before getting a look of realization.

Valka: "Are you two mates?"

Cloudjumper and I moved slightly closer to each other, adverting our eyes from Valka. She took this as a yes.

Valka: "Finally. That took longer than it should have."

Cloudjumper glared at her while I tilted my head in confusion.

Y/N: "What does she mean?"

Cloudjumper: "It means that she wanted us to become mates sooner."

We all walked inside to have dinner. Valka made sure to cook more food as a celebration since we became mates. After dinner, and thanking Valka for cooking, Cloudjumper and I went outside to playfight with each other until Valka came outside and asked us to go inside and sleep, since it was late. Cloudjumper and I went to our room to go to sleep. Cloudjumper gently curled around me, resting his head on top of mine, draping his wings over me and intertwining out tails.

Y/N: "Cloudjumper?"

Cloudjumper: "What is it?"

Y/N: "Would you mind grooming me? It... feels nice when you do it."

I slightly flattened myself, my fur streaks turning bright orange, signaling my embarrassment.

Cloudjumper: "I don't mind."

He started to gently groom me, cleaning my fur and smoothing it down. I started to purr louder and louder as he continued. Cloudjumper paused for a moment, causing me to raise my head to look at him.

Y/N: "Am you done already?"

Cloudjumper: "No. However... could you also groom me?"

Y/N: "Alright. Do I just groom you the same way you are grooming me?"

Cloudjumper: "Yes."

I nodded, before running my tongue over his scales and wings, cleaning anything off of them. Once we finished grooming each other, we went to sleep quickly with Cloudjumper putting his head back onto mine.

.-----12 hours-----

I woke up at the same time as Cloudjumper. Valka was calling us down for breakfast, causing Cloudjumper and I to unravel ourselves. I gave Cloudjumper a quick lick on the snout, which prompted him to give me one back, and bounded downstairs. Valka had some salmon for me, which I ate very quickly. Cloudjumper and I went outside after breakfast to fly around and enjoy ourselves.

-----5 months-----

I was curled protectively around a nest. Inside of the nest was a single egg. I heard wingbeats and the sound of a dragon landing. I snarled aggressively in that direction.

Cloudjumper:  "Don't worry Y/N. Its just me."

I calmed immediately, since I smelled that Cloudjumper had brought food with him. Cloudjumper walked over to me and put the food down next to me. I ate it hungrily.

Y/N: "Thanks."

Cloudjumper: "How is the egg?"

We both heard a cracking sound, causing me to leap out of the nest to watch the egg hatch. Cloudjumper and I watched the egg intently, waiting for the baby dragon to emerge. Once the baby dragon hatched we could see that it was going to grow fur in some spots due to the lack of scales in those areas. It was making small noises and trying to smell something. I curled around it gently and fed it until it fell asleep.

Y/N: "She's a girl. What should we name her?"

Cloudjumper: "How about... D/N?"

(D/N = daughter's name)

Y/N: "Alright."

Y/N: "Her scales are Fa/C."

Cloudjumper: "Wow. I wonder what colour her eyes will be."

-----1 week-----

D/N opened her eyes.

Y/N: "Her left eye is E/C and her right eye is yellow."

Cloudjumper: "That's amazing. Her fur is starting to grow in as well. It seems to be a lighter/darker shade of F/C."

I nuzzled D/N and Cloudjumper, before curling around D/N as Cloudjumper curled around me.

Y/N: "Goodnight."

Cloudjumper: "Goodnight."

D/N squeaked. We all fell asleep quickly.


Words: 647

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