Chapter 3

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After a very long time of  being studied by Fishlegs I look up to see the sun setting. Finally, my questioning is over. I can sleep now! Wait... where do I sleep? Hiccup walked up to me at that time. I looked at him questioningly. He stopped a little bit away from me, close enough that he could reach me in a few strides, but far enough that I wouldn't feel too threatened.

Hiccup: "Since we need to make you a place to sleep, you will be sleeping with Cloudjumper in Valka's house tonight."

I nodded to him, looking around to try and find Cloudjumper's house.

Hiccup: "That way."

Hiccup pointed in a direction, and I walked that way. Eventually, I found their house. Valka opened the door, gesturing me to come inside. I went in, looking around.

Valka: "You will sleep in this room, with Cloudjumper. I will be in the next room over."

I slowly went into the room she told me to sleep in, seeing Cloudjumper there. He noticed me immediately, looking a little bit surprised and confused.

Cloudjumper: "Y/N? You're here?"

Y/N: "Yea. I think Hiccup decided I would sleep here until I have a place of my own."

Cloudjumper: "Oh. Alright."

Cloudjumper pulled me into his wings, pressing me against his body. My fur streaks turning yellow, I wriggled in closer, closing my eyes and purring slightly. I was almost asleep when I felt a tongue grooming my fur. I opened my eyes and looked behind me to see Cloudjumper grooming my fur, my fur streaks becoming brown in surprise.

Y/N: "Huh?"

Cloudjumper: "Uh... I can stop if you want me to?"

I thought for a moment. It feels... nice. I don't want it to stop. My fur streaks turned yellow again slowly

Y/N: "Please don't stop. It feels nice."

Cloudjumper: "Alright."

Cloudjumper started to groom me again, his tongue smoothing my fur as I began to start purring. My purring became louder as he kept grooming me, with Cloudjumper moving up to my neck and the back of my head after he finished grooming my back. Having my neck and the back my head licked felt even better than having my back licked, since it sent nice shivers down through my body. I fell asleep before he finished grooming my neck. As Cloudjumper prepared to join me in sleeping, he noticed that his tail tip touched mine, beginning to intertwine with it. He waited for my tail to pull away, but saw that it curled around his, surprising him. He went to sleep soon after, blushing.

Cloudjumper POV

I think I am starting to fall in love with Y/N... I hope she feels the same way. As if she was answering my question, her purring got slightly louder and her tail moved mine slightly.

-----12 hours-----


Cloudjumper woke me up by licking my ears.

Y/N: "Cloudjumper? What is it?"

Cloudjumper: "Valka and I are going on a morning fly. Would you like to come with us?"

Y/N: "Yes please, I've never been flying before though. Do you think ill do it properly?"

Cloudjumper looked a little surprised before remembering I've been in captivity my whole life.

Cloudjumper: "You can learn."

We went outside, where Cloudjumper taught me how to fly. I wasn't as fast as him nor could I fly for as long as he could, but both Cloudjumper and Valka were surprised at how good I was for my first time flying. Apparently I had good endurance and speed. It felt great having the wind fly through my fur and over my wings as I flew around, and both Cloudjumper and Valka were proud of me.

We went back to Valka's house and I fell asleep almost immediately, thinking about flying for longer periods of time.

Cloudjumper POV

I looked at Y/N's sleeping form. She is really attractive... I shook my head to clear those thoughts while blushing. I nudged Valka with my head to ask if I could sleep as well.

Valka: "You can sleep if you want."

I curled up around Y/N's back and gently intertwined our tails as I tucked my head under hers. I fell asleep very quickly with my wings covering her body.

-----2 hours and 30 minutes-----

I woke up to Y/N shuffling around in her sleep. As she wriggled around, she eventually faced towards me, where she began cuddling into me. That's so cute... She was purring slightly and her fur streaks were yellow.

Y/N: "Hmmmm... Warm."

She was obviously talking in her sleep as she cuddled in even closer. I realized my wings had fallen away from her, so I draped them protectively over her, while wrapping my tail around her carefully. I fell asleep again soon after.

-----30 minutes-----

I woke up again as I heard the door to Valka and I's house open. Sniffing, I realized it was Hiccup. Hiccup and Valka talked, although I couldn't make out what they said. Hiccup and Valka walked up to the room Y/N and I were in and opened the door. I raised my head sleepily and blinked a couple of times, before gesturing to be quiet. I opened my wings to reveal Y/N sleeping soundly, cuddled up to me. Their eyes opened slightly in realization before they smirked slightly and closed the door silently. I draped my wings back over her and prepared to go back to sleep. Before I fell asleep, I noticed something. Her fur is a bit messy. I better clean it. I licked her fur until it was tidy before falling asleep, unaware of her fur streaks turning pink and her waking up while I was grooming her.


Cloudjumper fell asleep very quickly after he finished grooming me, not noticing I was awake. I noticed I felt a emotion I've only felt once before, when the hunters were experimenting with my emotions, love. I also noticed that my fur streaks were pink, also signaling love. Do I... love Cloudjumper? I think I do... I'm happy about that. I just hope he feels the same. I cuddled closer to him, wanting to feel as much of his warmth as I could, soon falling asleep after.


Valka and Hiccup know that Cloudjumper is in love with Y/N.

Valka and Hiccup think that Y/N might  be in love with Cloudjumper.

Valka and Hiccup will be trying to get one of them to confess. (Small spoiler)

Words: 1033

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