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Meerab and Murtasim had settled in a happy routine post their visit to the cottage. Both spending their days apart with their usual duties but evenings & nights were reserved just for each other. Murtasim made it a point to return home early in the evening, and Meerab tried to spend as much time with him as possible. Meerab couldn't help but wonder if this is how things would have been if she hadn't resisted and made that contract at the start of their marriage. Would Murtasim have been as attentive and loving if the physical part of their relationship had started early on? She knew he loved her beyond doubt, but sometimes, the overthinking part of her brain overrode the rational one.

As the days wore on, both were bridging the communication gap that had been an issue since the start of the marriage. Meerab made it a point to get to know him and asked multiple questions when they talked about his work. She had never appreciated how draining it could be for Murtasim to deal with one problem after another on a daily basis and trying to do justice to the people he looked over. He was slowly changing her definition of a feudal lord. He asked her opinions and genuinely considered her suggestions. She had always thought he was too traditional and stuck up in his thoughts, but in reality, he was a quiet listener and very thoughtful man.

On one such night, they were reclining in bed. Her back against his chest, his hands rubbing soft circles on her stomach as they talked about her college days, her friends, and her dreams of becoming a lawyer. He grew pensive as she talked about wanting to become a lawyer.

"That's what started this whole."Let's get Muratsim & Meerab married, " fiasco. Did they ever tell you we were set to marry each other before that?" She asked.

His face closed up, and he just shook his head, not saying anything.

Meerab nodded, assuming he was remembering the way things had unfolded and the way she had spoken to him back then. "I thought as much, we argued a lot over the years. Barely tolerated each other. Wonder what made them think we would be good for each other?" She mused

He was still silent, assuming he was thinking about the start of their marriage and sad she tried to lighten the mood "they did have it right though....I didn't know it back then but you are exactly what I need. My baba was right when he was convincing me to marry you. " She said with a smile.

He was still deep in thought, his face unreadable. "Am I really?"

"What?" She asked.

"Am I what you need?"

She smiled and cupped his cheeks in her palms. Wanting to reassure him, she said, "Yes, you, my darling husband, are exactly what I need. You challenge me, tease me, trust, and support me in all situations. You love me unconditionally. Even when I constantly rejected your affection. You are patient and mostly calm except when it comes to me." She said with a wink.

His eyes had teared up as she gave her reasons, but he laughed at her last statement. "True, you can rile me up in a minute," he said ruefully.

"It's a skill I specialize in and enjoy," she laughed.

He leaned in and kissed her softly. "I love you, Meerab," he whispered against her lips.

She smiled into the kiss. "I love you too."

He broke the kiss to kiss her forhead, then her eyelids, moving to her cheeks. Covering her face in soft reverent kisses, making her smile.

He hugged her tight, and Meerab sighed, her heart content.

The next night, Murtasim came home to an empty bedroom. Meerab was usually waiting for him, seeing the empty room he started looking for her.

"Murtasim.." his mother called halting his progress.

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