Chapter 2: Meos -Not So- Lucky Girl

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Sorry about the extremely late update, I forgot again lol.

But please enjoy this new chapter.



   Cameron lied on a stretcher unconscious, barely breathing. Her family had tried following behind the doctors as they pushed her back towards the emergency room. They didn't get far when one the four doctors tending to Cameron turned around, preventing them from going any further.

   "I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to stay here. We can not let you go any further." He spoke, urgency and guilt lacing her tone. "We have to see her." Danielle, Cameron's mother, exclaimed.

   "Ma'am, I understand, I really do. But this area is restricted for non-doctor personnel." The doctor tried.

   "Doctor Miller!" Said doctor turned toward his coworker as he was called over. "Stay here, we're going to do everything we can to save your daughter." He said with finality before speeding to her patient. He walked through those doors and was immediately met with the girl surrounded by the four other doctors, all trying their best to stop the bleeding.

   "Her heart rate is low, she's loosing too much blood!" A blonde doctor screamed as she rushed to the other side of the room, grabbing the defibrillator in the corner.

   "At this rate she will die." A brunette man spoke as he connected an IV to the teenager. As they hooked her up to the machine, it began to flatline, filling the room with a long still beep.

   "Raiyn! The paddles!" "On it!" Raiyn flipped on the machine and rubbed the paddles together, "clear!" She yelled out, pressing them down on the girls chest. Cameron's body arched from the bed before landing back roughly, her body still unmoving. "Again!" The man screamed, "clear!" Raiyn once again pressed the paddles back down on the girls chest, receiving the same result.

   "Again!" "Sir, she's not-" "again! Now! I made a promise to her mother out there and I have full intent on keeping it. Again." He spoke. The women let out a sigh before rubbing the paddles one last time. "Clear!" She yelled, pressing them down on her chest.

   Camerons body once again arched off her bed before slamming back down on it. Her body had gone limp as her temperature dropped, blood continued to ooze from her open wounds. All the doctors in the room let out sighs and grew looks of sorrow. "Call it. The time of death, 5:29 pm. Cause of death, bite wound to the neck and claws to the stomach and chest." The blonde doctor spoke in a somber tone as he placed his hands on his hips.

His head hang low as the back of eyes began to sting. "I'll notify the family." The brunette doctor sauntered over the door as the others went to cover Cameron's body with a white sheet. As the doctor made his way out into the hall. He looked to his right and see the, now family of five, sitting a few feet from from the emergency doors.

He took a breath before walking through the double doors, gathering the attention of the family. They darted to their feet and marched over, asking the very obvious question. "Is she ok?!" "She's ok right!?" "Is she alive?!"

He stayed quiet, his face being enough of an answer. "!" Danielle broke down in tears, her legs failing to hold her up as she went crashing to the ground. The three others with her, the doctor had presumed them to be the victims siblings, had dropped down with her. Her husband, Calvin, had tears of his own as he held his wife in his arms.

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