Chapter 3: Everything Hurts

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Next Day

Morning [4:21 am]

Day 1

I woke up to sweat drenching my clothes. My entire body felt like it was on fire as my jaw ached. I could feel the sides of my head throbbing as a loud alarm rung in my ears. My hands darted to cover them up as my nose stung from a strong smell of perfume.

It hit me out of no where as my neck began to burn, it wasn't long before my chest produced the same results. "Ma!" I groaned out, my yell coming out strangled as I dug my nails into my sheets. The heat was unbearable as my jaw began to throb.

"Ma!" I tried again, this time I attempted to stand from my bed, which wasn't a very good idea as I hit the ground with a thud. This only worsened the pain in my chest and stomach. I squint my eyes open as the dark room wasn't so dark. It was lit up, even with the blinds covering the windows. I rolled over onto my back and placed my hands over my eyes.

It was too bright. It hurt, but then again everything hurt. "Ma!" I screamed one last time as the heat didn't let up, in fact I'm pretty sure it got worse. It wasn't long when a light flick is heard and cool hands are rubbing my arms. "What happened? Are you ok?" I hear mom ask as she frantically ran her arms over my upper body. "You're burning up." She mumbled as she set the back of her hand to my neck.

She then went to pull hands from my face to check my forehead, another mistake when as soon as she does so the sudden brightness practically blinds me. I cried out before immediately putting my hands back in their previous spot.

"It hurts." I yelled. I could feel tears running down my cheeks as my skin continued to flare up, my wounds still feeling like hot iron was pressed into them.

"What hurts? You gotta help me cam." I could hear the panic in her voice as she set her hands on my forearms.

"Everything, it all hurts. I'm burning up, it's so hot." I panted. It's silent before I hear heavy footsteps leave the room. I hear footsteps come back before exiting, it continues like this for another 10 minutes when a small flick echoes through the room. "Help me Calvin."

   "I got you." I feel arms loop under my legs and under my back. A door opens and I'm placed into something.

It was cool, and wet. I squinted my eyes and looked around. "Ice." I whispered. "How'd you get so much." I asked.

"Don't worry about that, are you cool." Dad asked as he squat beside me. I nod as I fell further into it, shutting my eyes. My jaw and ears still throbbed, my eyes and nose were still highly sensitive, and my wounds still stung. But at least I would stop sweating.

Day 2

Morning [9:08 am]

I was sweating once again, though this time I was laying down on my bed. A wet towel was sitting on my forehead as more of my upper body began to ache. It was like a sore. And the throbbing in my jaw and ears had gotten worse. I couldn't even open my eyes without being blinded by the slightest light, so right now I've got sunglasses on.

I had to stuff pieces of tissue in my nose to prevent anymore extra smells to assault my nasal cavities. I can't eat without feeling some kind of pain, and I'm barely sleeping.

My mom and dad tried taking me to the doctor, but it didn't end well, for them that is. I fought back, my body refused to go anywhere near that building. I ended up busting my dad's lip and bruising Mateo's leg when they tried picking me up. And they didn't want me to hurt myself in anyway so they opted to bringing the doctor to me.

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