Chapter 1: The Bite

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Camerons POV

   I walked back inside the house and gathered the last couple of bags. My parents were forcing me and my siblings out to a spot in the woods for a family get together. Apparently my Uncle Tom had just gotten out of prison or something so they wanted to celebrate.

   I didn't see the point in it personally but he is my mom's brother, and she loves him, so that's probably a good enough reason in her book. In mine on the other hand, it didn't make sense to me. He was put in jail for robbery, which means he knew the consequences of his actions.

   But like I said, he's family. I just hate that I'm giving up time I could be spending with my friends for a guy I haven't seen in years, and it wasn't even because he was locked up, it was because he hadn't visited in over 10 years.

   I let out another sigh as I placed the bags into the trunk. I got in the back seat and shut the door, buckling in my seat belt. On the plus side I do get to see my favorite cousins.

   "Stop sulking." I hear my dad. He had turned around in the driver's seat to look back at me. My dad was around 5,9 maybe 5,10. He had dark hair and brown eyes, with white skin. My mom on the other hand was the opposite. She had brown hair and black eyes, with brown freckled skin.

   "I'm not sulking." I grumbled back. "You totally are." Mateo, my brother, in the seat behind me snickered. "I just don't see the point in going is all." I murmured. This earned a chorus of groans as they all let out sighs.

   "Stop being so whiny. You're like a child." Mia groaned. She was my older sister. "Yeah, you're ruining everyone else's mood." My younger sister Jordan teased, lightly bumping her shoulder with mine. I fought back a smile as I turned toward the window. "Whatever, I hate you guys." I muttered. "Love you too, cam."

   It wasn't long after when my dad pulled out of the driveway. I tried my hardest to remain quiet and stay on my phone, but it was extremely difficult when you have an annoying little brother kicking your seat and an even more annoying sister looking over your shoulder and talking into your ear every five seconds.

   "Mom please, would you tell them to stop." I groaned, shoving Jordan out of my space. My mom turned to look down the middle before smiling and facing forward again. "Mom!"

   "Ok fine, Jordan, leave your sister alone." She laughed. It wasn't an immediate effect but it was better than nothing. She had gotten back into her own space. "How old are you again?" She joked. "You're one to talk, 15 years old and you still act like you're 9." I clapped back, as I scrolled through my messages. "And you're still calling to mommy like you're 5."

   I rolled my eyes and kept my focus on my phone. It had gone off with a 'ding'.

Are you there yet?

   Not yet.

   Though I'm pretty sure the ride will kill me before the onslaught of random women walking up to me expecting me to remember them just because they held me when I was fresh out the womb.

   Is it really that bad?

   I held up my phone up and snapped a picture of  Jordan now switching over to Mia and bugging her, and Mateo in the back kicking my seat while sloppily eating a box of goldfish. 'You tell me.' I sent before switching over to instagram. It wasn't long before I got a reply from TC, a laughing emoji and a coffin emoji. 'I wish you the best of luck my friend' I chuckled softly as I shook my head, "prick." I muttered.

   "Whats so funny?" Jordan's nosy ass had switched from Mia back to me, trying to fit her head over my shoulder to get a look at my screen. "None of your business. Go bother Mia." "Don't even, I will hurt you." She grumbled before putting her earbuds back into her ears.

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