Chapter 6: Meo | Jinxed

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Morning [7:00 am]

   The sun shined through my window as I sat on my bed. I had tried going back to sleep, which only resulted in an even steamier nightmare. This time she was on the receiving end. I shook my head of these terrible thoughts before getting out of bed. I went for another cold shower and brushed my teeth.

   I put my hair into a ponytail in the back and put on a black t-shirt. Soon followed by blue jeans and a pair of black and white shoes. I got a black hoodie from my closet and grabbed my bag, my phone, and my wallet before heading downstairs.

   I was earlier than usual and set my bag down on my chair. Mom was cooking again and was continuing to give me the silent treatment. I sighed and walked over to one of the cabinets. I took out a box of cereal and poured myself a bowl. If she wanted to be petty so would I.

   I poured in the milk and dug in. It wouldn't be long before I got hungry again but I'll cross that road when I get there. "Good morning." My dad announced as he pat me on the back before pecking ma on the lips.

   "Morning..." I murmured. I was exhausted, and not just from my mom but with those stupid dreams practically keeping me up at night. "You alright kiddo? You look tired." I just wave him off and take another bite of my cereal. "I'm fine, just a terrible nightmare." I groaned. I see my mom perk up at this, though she stays quiet.

   "Was it...was it about that night?" My dad sounded as if he was afraid to ask. As I realized why, my eyes widened. "Oh! No, it was something else." I reassured. "Well if you ever want to talk about it, we're here." He smiled. "Thanks dad." I returned the smile and finished up my cereal.

   It wasn't long until everyone else was piling down the stairs. I was currently waiting on TC while everyone else ate, and it was then when I got a text from him saying he was outside. "Alright, I'm off." I voiced as I got to my feet.

   "Don't you need a ride?" Dad asked, a mouth full of food. I nodded, "TCs taking me today." I looked toward Ma before hesitantly making my way over. She was facing the sink as she washed at the used pans. "Love you..." I whispered after planting a kiss on her cheek. She just hummed and nodded, never taking her eyes from in front of her.

   I walked back to the door and walked out. TC was parked on the side of the road in front of my house in his big grey SUV. Julie wasn't in the car like she usually is. As I got in the passenger seat he takes off, barely giving me time to put on my seatbelt. "Damn!" I exclaimed.

   "Slow down!" He just smiled before easing on the pedal. "No julie today?" I asked, throwing my bag in the back. "Nah, she's at a job interview." He said before turning the corner. "Oh. Can we stop at Mickey Ds, I had a light breakfast." He looked to me with a smirk before turning down the street.

   We got there quickly and I made my order. I paid for all of it of course, and slapped TC when he tried to take one of my hash browns.

   After a couple more minutes we finally made it to the school, I had finished my food on the way there and threw my trash as soon as I got out the car. We walked into the building and soon ran into ash. He was particularly chippier than usual.

   "Hey guys!" He exclaimed. It was way too early in the morning for him to have this much energy. "Hey. Did you have like ten red-bulls before you came to school today?" I teased. This elicited a laugh from TC and a playful shove from Ash. "No. I'm just happy...I met a girl." He smiled. And everything froze , "what?" TC asked incredulously, his mouth agape.

   "I met a girl," He repeated. TC and I shared eye contact before turning to look at him. I went to say something when he cut me off, "and a guy." He ducked his head and avoided eye contact.

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